Open Challenge #17 - Open Challenge Sample

Welcome to the 17th Open Challenge.

Before the proposal for #17, here’s breakdown of the previous challenges - and the entries with the most votes - based on the list kindly provided by @sleepside (fingers crossed these upload correctly and I’ve got the right tracks :crossed_fingers:):

#1. Open Battle #01: “soundtrack // transmission” Create a soundtrack for a video. No drum loops.

The track with the most votes was from @guga:

#2. Open Battle #02: “Buchlaed” Number of steps per pattern must be 5 or multiple of 5

The track with the most votes was from @korpinen:

#3. Open Battle #03: ”Collabed” Create a track with another forum member

The track with the most votes was from @blakewalt & @korpinen:

#4. Open Battle #4 - Mix first, ask questions later(ed) Record a live performance straight to a stereo track. No overdubs, no post processing, what you record is what you submit

The track with the most votes was from @MarcD:

#5. Open Battle #5 - A Human Touch No sequencing, no quantization (midi or audio, pre or post)

The track with the most votes was from @Microtribe:

#6. Open Challenge #6 SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED Make a drum pattern featuring a sleigh bell

The track with the most votes was from @MarcD:

#7. Open Challenge #7 - Droning On Create a one-minute drone

The track with the most votes was from @sid6581:

#8. Open Challenge 08 1:30 or less, only 4 parts/instruments, must incorporate ASMR

The track with the most votes was from @korpinen:


#9. Open Battle #09 Summer Shake-up Sample/Reference a summer-themed song in a recognizable way

The track with the most votes was from @waftlord:

#10. Open Battle #10: Steamy Shellac Use the supplied train samples in your track

The tracks with the most votes were from @Microtribe and @1-2:

@Microtribe :arrow_up:

@1-2 :arrow_up:

#11. Open Battle #11: Panda Headphonia All sounds must be HARD panned LEFT or RIGHT, ONLY. You must also include a “pan” instrument.

The track with the most votes was from @malus_mons:

#12. Open Battle #12 - Eff ‘em! No Static At All You can only use FM radio recordings or FM synthesis

The track with the most votes was from @Microtribe:

#13. Open Challenge 13: The Swamp Effect Make a swampy track (using only one effect)

The track with the most votes was from @ViolentMeals:

#14. Open Challenge #14: Title Redacted Drum Battle

The tracks with the most votes were from @sleepside & @bodymechanics :

#15. Open Challenge 15: ARPs & LFOs one trig per sequence, with other notes tiggered by LFOs and ARPs; one-take and 3 minutes max.

The track with the most votes was from @Tchu:

#16. Open Challenge #16 - Pure Sounds and No FX No multitracking, effects, overdubs, post-processing, wavetables, samples or drones.

The track with the most votes was from @sid6581:

An honorable mention goes to @CountedSorrow’s Track Challenge: Sounds of Mars

No voting on this one, but some great tracks nonetheless.

Compiling the above list has been a great fun on a rainy Sunday morning here in Sheffield. So many great tracks; so many great objectives - thanks to everyone keeping this going and engaging.


Anyway, after really enjoying the latest release from @boboter, and the concept of this album, the premise of Open Challange 17 is simple:

  1. Pick one of the tracks linked above

  2. Sample the track, and use this as a foundational element of your entry. This doesn’t mean the sample can’t be changed beyond the point of recognition - the samples serve as starting points, to be used however you choose and for whatever you want.

  3. Post it up citing the source, with a brief explanation of how you used it.

  4. Apart from that, there’s no other requirements here. I hope this generates lots of varied and interesting submissions.

P.S. I hope that the previous entrants don’t mind their music becoming source material. If you do, message me and I’ll change the concept a touch. It could be a requirement that participants quickly DM the original entrant to see if they were ok with it? Maybe I’m worrying too much about this aspect - I certainly don’t mind this myself.


Was just thinking about the upcoming challenge these days, many thanks for setting this up. Just two minor things

  • OC #15 was won by @Tchu and not by me. I just had the honour to host the following OC.
  • You might want to set a deadline?

Finally: Not owning a sampler per se I have to wrap my head around if and how it’s possible for me to participate this time.


Thanks for pointing this out - sorry, I’ll amend later tonight 🤦.

As for deadlines, what’s the typical duration people are comfortable with. A month?

I recently made a poll for this. Maybe you find it useful.
There seems to be a tendency towards shorter durations between 1-4 weeks.

personally I prefer 1-2 weeks time for various reasons…

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Fantastic idea for an open challenge! I’ve been thinking about something like this for a while. A possible suggestion which you can feel free to disregard: you could expand the challenge to allow people to do a cover version of a previous winning entry. That would allow non-sampling approaches.

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I feel honored :slight_smile:

Enjoy the challenge!


Love this brief, @sid6581: time for me to come back to these challenges!!


Happy to be included in this, but @bodymechanics and I were both declared winners in this one + theirs actually has more likes, and kicks ass:


Thanks @sleepside and @B_LD for flagging up the errors. These are corrected now.

As 50% of voters in @B_LD’s poll voted for 1-2 weeks duration for a challenge, shall we say the deadline for Open Challenge #17 is May the 12th.

Voting will be open for a week following that, with all votes to be cast by Sunday the 19th.


Absolutely @Smapti - thanks for the sugestion. Although this challenge revolves around sampling and manipulating audio, if people don’t have the means to do this and want to join in, then please feel free to submit a cover of one of the above. The one restriction with this approach is not to stray as far from the source as the brief allows with sampling.

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Just put my rig back together, ready to rock.
Need something like this to keep the spice flowing.


Do you mean any track that won previous Open Challenges?

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Thank you!

Hi, just a reminder there’s 1 week left until the deadline for this open challenge.

Hope to see some posting up of tracks on here soon.

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Busiest time of year for me at the cemetery (work) so I most likely won’t be able to participate.


Bumping this nice challenge for free. Challenges are fun. Do something! :rocket:

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As i set the challenge it seems only right to post up the first entry.

For this track I sampled the wonderful Eyes On the Wall by @blakewalt and @korpinen.

I wanted to try to some new techniques (for me) here, so for the first time used a stem splitter, installed (a couple of weeks after buying) UA’s Battalion - my first software drum machine, and made the entire track in Bitwig (I normally use it to mixdown and arrange stuff from my hardware).

The only hardware I used was my P12 for the bass, as i couldn’t get the tone I wanted ITB.

I chopped up and used the vocals a lot; and also took various pad/piano sounds, which form the basis of all of the background sounds.

Batallion was used for all the drums and some vocal snippet processing - it’s a great piece of software, the variation knob is genius, but I had to keep bouncing parts down to make a progression of sorts (and cos my computer is pretty old).

I worked a couple of Bitwig synths in - I’ve not really played much with them before - for some stringy kind of sounds.

The source track is brilliant and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to it lot during this.

Now really looking forward to listening to other people’s entries.

Also, I realised after investing a couple of hours into this, that the bass sounds like a poor imitation of XYZ by Boards of Canada.