Poll – Timeframe/Duration for Challenges

I like to gather some data around challenge durations, to see if there’s a commonly agreed middle way for how long they should run.

Question: How much time do you prefer to have when participating actively in challenges, battles, etc.? How short is too short? How long can you keep yourself motivated to think about a theme? When does procrastination start? How much time to you need?

Preferred Duration
  • less
  • 1-2 weeks
  • 3-4 weeks
  • 4-6 weeks
  • more

0 voters

Thanks in advance for any input or insights on this! :pray:


I think any more than 3-4 weeks is too long. But if it’s only 1-2 weeks, then I worry I’d miss out on challenges I’d like to be part of, because I might be busy that particular week.

So I think 3 or so weeks is a good middle ground. Fast enough to keep the momentum and interest up, but not so quick that people who are busy that week end up not being able to participate.


Weekend bump. The poll needs your vote! Will close on Sunday.

And don’t miss out on …

Sunday, poll day. Bump! :boom: