Open Challenge #14: Title Redacted

The pressure!
Open Challenge has in the past been open to anyone regardless of gear used, genre, etc. Its more about trying new things you normally wouldnt think of doing. (So not a hiphop battle or what ever) its non competative, and usually really fun.

If you come up with any ideas, I’m looking forward to hearing them. Search on the forum to see past Open Challenges. There have been 14.


Here are the historical ones I could find:

  1. Open Battle #01: “soundtrack // transmission” Create a soundtrack for a video. No drum loops
  2. Open Battle #02: “Buchlaed” Number of steps per pattern must be 5 or multiple of 5
  3. Open Battle #03: ”Collabed” Create a track with another forum member
  4. Open Battle #4 - Mix first, ask questions later(ed) Record a live performance straight to a stereo track. No overdubs, no post processing, what you record is what you submit
  5. Open Battle #5 - A Human Touch No sequencing, no quantization (midi or audio, pre or post)
  6. Open Challenge #6 SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED Make a drum pattern featuring a sleigh bell
  7. Open Challenge #7 - Droning On Create a one-minute drone
  8. Open Challenge 08 1:30 or less, only 4 parts/instruments, must incorporate ASMR
  9. Open Battle #09 Summer Shake-up Sample/Reference a summer-themed song in a recognizable way
  10. Open Battle #10: Steamy Shellac Use the supplied train samples in your track
  11. Open Battle #11: Panda Headphonia All sounds must be HARD panned LEFT or RIGHT, ONLY. You must also include a “pan” instrument.
  12. Open Battle #12 - Eff ‘em! No Static At All You can only use FM radio recordings or FM synthesis
  13. Open Challenge 13: The Swamp Effect Make a swampy track (using only one effect)
  14. Open Challenge #14: Title Redacted Drum Battle
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I think the first one was the Mars one, could be wrong. You had to use samples from the NASA Martian Rover. @Microtribe had a strong submission to that one. I had a good idea but lost focus. I’d also just gotten my OT and had no idea what I was doing


Boy, I sure missed a whole lot of those….

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Linked them all. Also, @ViolentMeals, the challenge you were thinking of was a track challenge: Track Challenge: Sounds of Mars

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@sleepside and I have some ideas floating around in DM’s once we settle on one we will post the details. :metal:

Heck yes, fire off the new open challenge thread!
Looking forward to it

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Once we choose our idea, do we start a new Open Challenge thread?

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Yeah! :partying_face:

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New challenge posted: Open Challenge #15: ARPs & LFOs

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