Open Challenge #14: Title Redacted

I will have something! Probably not until tomorrow, but something

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Yeah I’ll for sure post what I have tomorrow, or late tonight.
Need a few more hours of work, then record.


I’m probably going to miss this one.
Just way too much going on.

Its an excellent brief and really got my brain working, sadly nothing satisfactory came out of my efforts.

Get involved people. Open Challenge needs you.

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My submission :loopy:
This was a lot of fun to make.
Stepped out of my comfort zone a bit.
Could’ve posted a polished mix but I had too much fun recording some live takes.
Hope yall dig it.


and on Vimeo because it’s WAY better

Edited to include a mix done without headphones.
This would be my final submission.
Hopefully more folks post in the next few hours. :metal:


Hell yeah, man!

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So far am I the only contestant?

It would seem so

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Hopefully more submit by EOD.
I didn’t listen to my track on speakers because it was super late.
Gonna try to polish it up and repost just the audio file as my final submission.

Really cool idea for a battle though, I had a blast.
Also really pushed me to try things I normally wouldn’t

Added a .wav to my above post mixed a little better.
Hope to see more posts before the days over.

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Made it! A non-drummer’s take on a drum battle. The bassline is ripped off from an interpretation of “Carbon-Based Anatomy” by Cynic, Kit 1 is a multi-sampled acoustic kit, Kit 2 is FM synthesis.


Im excited to hear it! thanks for contributing!

Edit: WOW! fantastic!

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Excellent contributions, @bodymechanics, @sleepside
Wonderful takes on the Brief, and really fun to listen to.
Thanks for taking part!


Heck yeah that was a blast. More than anything it kind of pulled me out of my Iull.
Since my last attempt at a record I hadn’t been able to get back in the groove.
This challenge jumpstarted my juices :white_heart:

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That was fucking great!

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Hell yeah. Keep us updated on your next attempt, cause your song has that sway


What started as a few days grace period to see if anything else trickled in ( didnt happen) turned into a few weeks and now here we are.
Rather than open a new thread with voting i am going to use my superpowers as Creator Host of this Open Challenge to declare @bodymechanics and @sleepside joint winners in this Challenge.
Whatever you fine people decide to do for the next one, however you come up with that, whether one person takes on the responsibility or you co-author an idea together, that is up to you.
The Open Challenge is dead. Long Live the Open Challenge!


@bodymechanics, I am happy to either collaborate or let you lead if you have a good idea. We can DM about it

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I’m not exactly sure what we’re taking responsibility for?

Coming up with a new challenge?

Yeah, the winners of these challenges usually hosts the next challenge, coming up with a theme, deadline, and any rules


Ahhh ok.
Yeah let’s throw some ideas around in DMs see what we come up with