Elektronauts essential

That’s the best thread on the forum, hands down – think bob cat police academy.


Very sensible perspective and it seems most of the community generally agreed with this at least implicitly. Still, I was asking in case there were any “oh, that one time (user) shared that particular technique they discovered that has become super useful”; the Octatrack’s own manual mentions in its foreword how it was inspired after, following the release of MachineDrum UW:

Blockquote "…Once the machine was released it became apparent that especially the RAM machines, which made it possible to record sounds in real-time and instantly play them back, were utilized in ways we originally couldn’t even imagine. "

And the octatrack is just made in a way that begs for the invention of methodologies and such. I actually have zero doubt there are threads out there that have been game-changing for some people, but still, I do think some were mentioned here and that will be more than enough to chew for a good while. Cheers.

Leaving the link here for the convenience of anyone reading this. It does look amazing thanks for sharing!

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This is practically the reason why I was asking. I read my manuals, better to have them as your first source than any youtuber or such in basically every case. But the octatrack is ridiculously possibilities-inspiring, which is why I directly asked for any threads about uses that were unforeseen by Elektron, because the manual of OT itself literally says it was inspired by users of other Elektron gear doing unexpected things that Elektron hadn’t thought about; it’s right there on the foreword at the very start.

A musical intsrument’s vocabulary is developed throught time through its collective usage in musicians too; I’m damn near sure that when the electric guitar was created they didn’t conceive the possibilities of it being used to create post-rock, or noise, or ambient, etc.


I’m a relatively new user of this awesome forum, and I’ve learned a lot so far, both about my own gear and about how others make music. Sometimes I stumble across a topic which is brimming with great info, fascinating stories or just all around good vibes.

To get meta, what are some of your favourite topics on here? Maybe you find yourself always coming back to them for inspiration, or it’s just better than the manual…

To get it started, these are some of my faves so far:


The only thread I come back to over and over:


Damn, I searched but for the wrong words apparently, thank you!

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Never heard of it…


Sure about that? :grin:


Always sparks joy.


If you have a Digitone you have to read the Fun with Ratio Offsets thread. Ess hands over the keys to unlock further depth and richness of that wonderful little box.


Well, i don’t know who this Neon Melk is but this person has a serious posting problem.


No problem. It took me also some time to find it after remembering :sweat_smile:

Some threads i like:


Has essential threads lost its focus?


Going by my most iconic posts (which is my measure of quality)

  1. Buad’s thread - already mentioned but it will always be no.1

  2. Lend us your ears was a wild ride

  3. Music memes contains a lot of laughs

  4. The bi-weekly sampling extravaganza threads are always friendly and stuffed full of talent, a great place to hone your OT skills, link to the current challenge

  5. The Eurorack gear I’m currently trying to shift (buy my stuff!)


The pinnacle.


thought this was the anti ambient tread

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There have been SO many epic threads on here. I especially love the ones that trainwreck and derail right away into their own multiple-stream-of-consciousness thing… although the moderators obviously don’t (with a few notable exceptions like Baud.)

Scot and I had a pretty epic back n’ forth that was split off into its own thread about vintage Ensoniq samplers, Florida and other randomness that other people chimed in on.

(BTW this is the sort of dorky stuff that Scot and I talk about almost every day, just usually via DM)

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