Octatrack MK2 Data Entry Knob and Page Button LED Issues

Hey, just wondering if you ever got this sorted? I just got a MK2 and while all the knobs click, it is definitely a bit awkward to unlock parameters and distinguish the page location LED. Quite surprised they haven’t fixed at least the latter issue in a software update.

Seriously. That page LED issue is super annoying. I’m sure they have bigger firmware fish to fry with Overbridge, but it’s pretty difficult to use as a “dynamic performance sampler” when you can’t even tell what page you’re on. Hopefully we get a fix on that soon.

Edit: Yes I’ve submitted a support ticket. The response was that it was fixable by firmware.


No never fixed. The official line from Elektron support was “that’s the way it’s supposed to be”

Which is just rubbish because it’s not like that on more recent machines like Digitone and Model:Samples and why the hell would you make page LEDs no one can see.

It’s clearly a hardware/firmware issue

I did dim my blinding Play button by colouring it with a black marker

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Well all least it’s acknowledged. I didn’t get that response. I got “well that’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s supposed to be”

Today I opened a ticket at Elektron Support for the Page LED ‘problem’. They responded within 2 hours, so that’s a nice start but…the answer

The issue has been reported to our developers and it has caught their attention, but ultimately it’s their decision. All I can do is bring it to their attention and advocate for it, which I will continue to do. I think they will take a look at it but since it’s not my decision I can’t promise anything.

I’m sorry but this is all I can offer.’

Maybe more MKII users must open a ticket, the more the better, I think.

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No need, you will just flood the queue for the poor support guys and girls to take care of. When they say it’s got attention from the devs, it really has.


@Olle With all respect…

@Cocker contacted Elektron Support 16(!) months ago about this problem, he even attached a video. Since then nothing happened.

What is the problem? Will it be fixed or is it not fixable? Or do the engineers call it ‘normal behaviour’?

Please give us a answer where can deal with.

It’s just as simple as there are quite a few products out there now for a small team to maintain and they just need wait in line for their time to get attention.


It’s 100% fixable

It’s not a feature

I have owned all Elektron machines (bar Digitone and Heat) at some point and none have had this issue


So, not enough support for too many products…where/when did it went wrong, @Olle ?

I really like my MKII but i’m going to return it while still in buyers protection period. With this kind of support it’s going the wrong way.

Nothing went wrong really. It’s a super capable machine even with a little dimmer LEDs on the Page button.

Came across this thread and took a closer look at my Elektrons: both my Octatrack (bought new january '19) and my Digitone (bought new october '18) click “in a satisfactory way”. The only thing I am slightly annoyed with is that they are very sensitive: when clicking I change the value 50% of the time (getting used to it though). But they do click normally, maybe just slightly less than the Analog Keys I just received (pre-owned, manufactured october 2016). Maybe a batch production issue?

On the other hand, the page led issue is an absolute annoyance, so I join the crowd hoping for a fix.

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Agree, the machine is fine and I like it a lot. But I don’t have the feeling that you take your customers serious. For me the LED light problem is a ‘biggy’, for others maybe not. But already waiting 16 months for a fix, that is hard to explain to your loyal customers.

Will it be fixed?

Yes it will :slight_smile:


Thank you for this. :heart_eyes_cat:

I know it can be troublesome to promise anything, but the dialog has been opened between companies and customers, in pretty much all sectors of business - I hope this glasnost policy you demonstrated grows within Elektron. Again, thanks.

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Thanks in advance, Olle

It’s not a little dimmer… it’s a lot

I’d go so far as to call it a complete pain in the arse



Hi Olle,

This means that Elektron has a team working on Octatrack OS updates?

Can you tell us if there´s going to be another change? Maybe customizable mute behaviour (audio/sequencer)? Maybe another improvement?

This machine can be massively used in lives, Elektron only has to keep improving it!!

EDIT: Please tell the right people there, the decision makers, that we´ve spent a lot of money in it, don´t cheat us with only a screensaver and a led correction…


There is a bugfix update planned. Unsure yet when it will be slotted in.

No new features or major changes as there are no more processor cycles left and for all changes, even for bugfixes, refactorization and optimizations are needed for it to fit so it’s very tedious work.

The OT has had a long life with an incredible amount of updates and added features over the time and is now full.