Auto channel midi mapping

The manual is pretty vague about note mapping for the auto channel, there are a few note numbers designated in the ranges which do not appear to do anything:

24-31 are track trigs 1-8 for plays free, 32 is ?, 33-35 are transport, 36-43 are samples trigs 1-8, 44-47 are ? 48-55 are midi track trigs if plays free, 56-59 are ?

So 32,44,45,46,47,56,57,58 and 59 do not seem to be used, the manual indicates they are but does not tell what, has anyone figured it out?

I’m wondering if it is a typo @eangman @Olle

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The first table is just trying to show which octaves are used for which purpose, when in fact some of the note numbers in the octaves are not used. It’s a bit clumsy.


I made a note mapping with Octatrack note numbers / names, a few details :


  • C1 - G#1 (24-31) | Track Trigs | Trigger PLAYS FREE AUDIO TRACKS control

  • A1 (33) | SEQUENCER stop | A#1 (34) | Seq Start/Stop | B1 (35) | Seq Start/Restart

  • C2 - G#2 (36-43) | SAMPLE TRIGS | Trigger Samples assigned to tracks (TRK DEFAULT)

  • C3 - G#3 (48-55) | MIDI Track Trigs | trigger PLAYS FREE MIDI TRACKS control

  • C4 - (60-71) | TRACKS RECORDERS / PICKUPS (*)

  • C5 - B5 (72-83) | Trigger track default sample CHROMATICally, octave - 1

  • C6 - B6 (84-95) | Trigger track default sample CHROMATICally, octave 0

  • C7 (96) | Trigger track default sample CHROMATICally, octave + 1

C4 (60) | Combo rec
C#4 (61) | INAB rec
D4 (62) | INCD rec
D#4 (63) | SRC3 rec
E4 (64) | Pickup Play/Stop
F4 (65) | Multiply
F#4 (66) | Mute active track
G4 (67) | Cue active track
G#4 (68) | Active track up
A4 (69) | Active track down
A#4 (70) | Toggle Seq sync
B4 (71) | Toggle Seq sync+start


I edited my note mapping, some mistakes !
Tell me if I missed others !

Another confusing thing is that Octave #7 corresponds to C5…
Octave 3 made me think we could play 3 octaves at first.

IMHO the first 2 tables in the appendix c could be replaced with the actual mappings for each note, it would make it much more legible and avoid the potential for confusion.


I think these notes can be used with Audio Tracks midi channels too. I’m sure for Chromatics.

I just made a spreadsheet for quick reference, figured I might as well upload here as well in case it may be of use for other users.

Edit - Link now points to new version.


I started mine too ! I would place notes on the left too. :wink:
Notes with octave number are important too I think. Ex 84 / C5.
I would add Plays Free trigger too, not obvious at first, when you begin with OT.

:spider: :wink: you’ll need to account for the gaps you were bemoaning (32 etc) if you want the leftmost columns to line up with the key notation (36=C etc) - but it’s a nice way to present concisely and clearly - making the gaps obvious is also helpful imho

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Good catch, I have revised it and made it bigger and changed the colours so that it should print better.


Better with unused notes for sure.
I made this one, inspired by your first one, with notes numbers / names everywhere.

Note Mapping3b.pdf (44.8 KB)


It would be good if this was added to the manual maybe @eangman will consider it?

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For any Squarp Pyramid users I also made a OT pyramid definition file here:

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Aren’t you just the best? :slight_smile: This is Elektronauts showing its best and most generous side.
Its a very useful table you have made and Ill be happy to put it in the manual.


:slightly_smiling_face: Thanks and welcome :thup:

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With very kind @darenager autorisation and suggestions I made some changes to its clever mapping. :wink:
These versions are vertical, maybe you prefer horizontal. I can make several versions if needed.

Any suggestions in order to optimize it are very welcome !
It can be larger to fit more A4 format, I think about writing some words in FULL CAPS (Pickups), add eventual remarks / reminders…
Colors are maybe not the best, I was inspired by OT’s led colors.
Pitch 0 is same pitch as default sample pitch so I used the same green.

Note MappingColorVertical.pdf (205.5 KB)

Note MappingGreyVertical5.pdf (199.6 KB)


Nice! Thanks @sezare56 :elot: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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Wow thx @darenager and @sezare56 for putting effort into this. Printed and on the wall.
Cool if it get’s to the final manual for the OT


Now you can find a sligthly Elektronified version of this table in the Octatrack User Manuals!

