The Elektron documentation thread

Copy/Paste? Me? Never! … well, ok maybe sometimes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Anyway, fixed the things you mentioned and uploaded some new manuals. As always, thanks a lot! :slight_smile:


This post wasn’t accepted in the Analog Four/Keys OS 1.40: bug reports thread so let’s try here instead:

In “List of changes from OS 1.35B to 1.40” it is stated: “Added support for Elektron Transfer.” However, when going to the A4mkII support page on, Elektron Transfer isn’t listed for download. When instead going to the ARmkII support page, you can download Elektron Transfer 1.1, but this software doesn’t work with Analog Four mkII.

When asking this question in the main thread for the A4 1.40/AR 1.50 release I was told that the compatibility referred to Elektron Transfer 1.2, which isn’t public yet.

As of now, I would consider this a bug. If you write that a device is supported by a certain piece of software, but don’t mention a version number of that software, the most reasonable interpretation is that it is at least supported by whatever version of that software that is out at the day of the release of the patch.

So, update the release notes and make it clear that it’s Elektron Transfer 1.2 that is supported, and preferably say something about this on the A4mkII support page. Or better yet: Make the Elektron Transfer 1.2 release public :stuck_out_tongue:

I just replied to this in the Bug report thread, head over there to check it out. (Unless som kind admin moves my reply here also) :slight_smile:


Nice! Thanks for the answer over there!

As an old philosopher, I really have to bite my tongue not to start a discussion on whether this is a bug or not (my last attempt in the other thread was immediately thrown out), BUT, in order to steer the discussion to something more pragmatic, wouldn’t it be possible to say something about this on the Analog Four mkII support page? Maybe something along the lines that you as an end user will be able to use Elektron Transfer once version 1.2 is released. That way, you could clear up some confusion from users like me that read the release notes and went looking for a way to implement it.

Anyway, that’s the last thing I’ll say about this matter. I have to remind myself that I’m not working at Elektron and that this is not an open-source project.


Indeed! :thup:

To select a zero crossing on both channels, you need to select both channels in CHANGE VIEW

If feature requests were granted similarly…it would be heaven on earth…:smile:

Your post there is still there it seems:

And here is @eangman’s answer, that I could have moved here because somehow it’s indeed less a bug that a documentation issue.

EDIT: OK, I’ve seen the old post. It’s been flagged as “off topic”, which it was.
Here is a better place to discuss documentation issue ^^
Don’t feel too bad for being flagged, it happens, nothing personal really.

This is a very honorable suggestion. Don’t you think so @eangman?


OT MkII manual, appendix C.2:

The OT MkII renamed the “playback” page as “SRC” page, but the list of parameters in the MkII manual still describes the parameters for CCs 16 to 21 as “playback params”.

OT MkI & MkII manual, appendix C.3:

This appendix describes the parameters for CCs 16 to 21 as “playback params” and those for CCs 22 to 27 as “amp params” when the names of the pages are “Note” and “Arp” respectively.


Dear @eangman silly me spent a rather embarrassingly long amount of time looking for the midi note mapping in the Rytm mkI manual Appendix C midi section, eventually I found the midi notes on page 22, so really just a suggestion to maybe list the midi notes in Appendix C as that is where the Octatrack note mappings are in the Octatrack manual.

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OT Mk1 Pdf Manual 1.31 page 60
OT Mk1 Pdf Manual 1.25 page 72

OT Mk2 Pdf Manual 1.31 page 60

SYNC TRIG will restart the LFO on track start. The LFO then plays continuously.

Imho that’s not how the lfo behaves on the Octatrack.
It resets on track start and again after each loop cycle on page 1.
Not 100% sure if it resets on step 1 regardless if there’s a trig or not.
It definitely resets after each loop cycle, though.


It always restarts at the beginning of the track without trigs.

@eangman a new manual for Christmas! :yum:

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Hi there. Sorry for a very late reply. Hmm what you say makes sense. I will look in to it and see what i can do. Thanks for sharing.


Oho I have to double check this, but I think that you and sezare56 are indeed right. If so, new manual in 2020 when Im back from the holidays :yum:


Octatrack crossfader (and scenes) midi channels are not precised.

From my tests, the midi channel sent by the crossfader is the lowest audio channel, NOT shared with a midi track.
Channel 1 by default, default audio channels being 1-8.
Channel 2 if you use a midi track on channel 1
Channel 3 if you use a midi track on channel 2.
Without audio channels set, it doesn’t send data.


Not a big deal, but the latest Analog Four manual (ENG_OS1.40A_191119.pdf) has this on page 64:

  • WHOLE PROJECT will send all kits, Sounds, patterns, songs and global slots to the receiving device, I.e., the complete project.
  • ALL KITS will send all kits to the receiving device.
  • ALL PATTERNS will send all patterns to the receiving device.
  • etc.

The list is missing ALL SOUNDS after WHOLE PROJECT, and ALL SETTINGS after ALL GLOBALS.

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The Midi CC number for muting/unmuting the A4’s tracks via MIDI is not shown in the implementation chart. (CC #94 i believe)

You are right indeed. I will fix this for the next version of the manuals. Thanks! :slight_smile:


I had a look and it’s there at the top of the first table in the MIDI implementation appendix :slight_smile:


Hmmm this needs to be investigated. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


Arrr, I was googling “Analog four mk2 manual” and stumbled upon an old version… In order to not be totally useless, I could suggest updating this link with the newest edition :smiley: It’s the top result on Google:

Thanks for checking!

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