Entries from the manual that would confuse anyone not familiair with the lingo

It makes sense, but I do find myself having to stop and reallocate extra brain power from things like breathing before reading the sentence again sometimes.


the moment I saw this chart was the moment I knew I would never use pickup machines


The Elektron manuals in general are like a puzzle, a very scary and evil puzzle whose only goal is to destroy all semblance of sanity within the reader.

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When in MIDI mode and neither GRID RECORDING or LIVE RECORDING mode is active, the [TRIG] keys can be used to trig tracks that are disconnected from the sequencer. [TRIG 1–8] keys trig the audio tracks and [TRIG 9–16] keys trig the MIDI tracks.

If an audio track and a MIDI track share the same MIDI channel, the MIDI track will block the audio track from sending out data while the audio track will block the MIDI track from receiving data.


This nearly drove me crazy during the first few days of owning my OT. Now it all makes perfect sense! :grimacing:

My work on this planet is completed methinks. Time to move on to my next assignment…


Not yet! I’ve got something for you!
The Elektron documentation thread

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I want a t-shirt with the pickup machine diagrams. Reminds me of my t-shirt with the DES cipher from the time when it was illegal to export it from the US, and my other t-shirt with a bluebox circuit diagram.


MKI’s is gorgeous.


I actually found that diagram helpful! Without context, though…


Funny, OT was my first Elektron and I actually really enjoyed reading the manual :content:

I read it once before I bought my Octa and frankly that was all I needed to get going.
No wtf-moments either :innocent:


Same here mate. I’ve never had any confusion reading the manual nor learning how to use the OT. I still read the manual from time to time, I think its a masterpiece. Very useful indeed!


:slight_smile: I agree. It’s very well written and a good read. Still funny how some sentences are super weird when you look at them objectively and without synth-glasses so to speak.


The manual, like the OT makes perfect sense once you get it’s logic…

But those first 48 hours with a new OT and the manual… Man… it felt like mental torture.

Now the manual is like a reliable friend. Mine is actually sitting on my studio desk, ready for review if needed.


To sum up, the manual is really useful once you understood Octatrack…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I appreciated it.


I really like Elektron manuals for the most part, by far and away better than most other manufacturers these days.

However there are some funny paragraphs where more words than needed are used, and they lack clarity because of it, for example:

• ANLG will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, not necessarily make the filter envelope start from zero once a sample trig is being trigged. Instead, the filter envelope attack will start from the current envelope level. If the amplitude modulator is assigned to FX1 the phase will be restarted each time a sample trig is trigged.

• RTRG will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, make the filter envelope start from zero every time a sample trig is being trigged. If the amplitude modulator is assigned to FX1 the phase will be restarted each time a sample trig is trigged.

• R+T will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, make the filter envelope start from zero every time a sample trig or a trigless trig is activated by the sequencer. If the amplitude modulator is as- signed to FX1 the phase will be restarted each time a sample trig or a trigless trig is being activated.

• TTRG will, if the multi mode filter is assigned to FX1, not necessarily make the filter envelope start from zero once a sample trig or a trigless trig is activated by the sequencer. Instead, the filter enve- lope attack will start from the current envelope level. If the amplitude modulator is assigned to FX1 the phase will be restarted each time a sample trig or a trigless trig is being activated.


The long winded explanations still don’t tell what ANLG (analog?), RTRG (retrig?), R+T (???) and TTRG (???) actually stand for :sweat_smile:


“to trig tracks that are disconnected from the sequencer”

This is pure Octatrack logic! :smiley:

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I´m just not the learning type to get along with manuals, most of the manuals just like this to me:

And that a lot of companies use different terms for the same thing doesn´t help either.


At least it comes with a “ding alarm”, that would have been a deal breaker for me.

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