So, I’ve been having a long monologue with myself basically about how to set up my DAW so that I can stop old automation having an effect on later events. For my solution, I found a behavior that I find quite odd, which I would count as a bug, but I don’t want to make my own interpretations as this has gotten me into trouble before.
I’m using Logic Pro X (version 10.4.7) to control Analog Four mkII (version 1.40A) via Overbridge (version . This is what my project in Logic looks like:
Here, I have my Analog Four set up with two different patterns with different kits. Additionally, both patterns are really short, so that they have time to take effect relatively quickly (I’ve set them up to 2/16, 2x).
Here, I send program changes on the last track (a midi track) in order to switch patterns. The second track (a midi track) only play single notes and the first track is the Overbridge track (a software instrument track).
When having the “KIT RELOAD ON CHG” off, I get the following behavior: The first note plays while one of the parameters is being changed (in my case, I’m affecting the course tune of oscillator 1) which can be seen on the Analog Four screen. Then, the pattern/kit is changed (via Pattern change 126) and then changed back (via Pattern change 127). When it’s changed back to the original pattern/kit, I can still see the parameter being affected on the Analog Four screen, and I can also hear that it has been changed.
If I turn on the “KIT RELOAD ON CHG” the only difference is that while I can here that the last note has a parameter changed, on the screen, it looks like it has gone back to the original sound of the pattern. So what is seen on the screen and what I hear doesn’t correspond.
In order to have the last note play with the original kit sound, I have to add a note that plays while the other pattern/kit (Program change 126) is activated. Then, if I have “KIT RELOAD ON CHG” set to on, it works.
I’m quite confused by both of these behaviors. Maybe they both have logical explanations, but as an end user, this isn’t how at least I would expect things to behave. That is:
When sending a note to my Analog Four, I expect it to be played according to the parameter settings that can be seen on screen.
I don’t understand why the sound of a certain note should be dependent on whether I play a sound in another pattern/kit before it.
As a sidenote, the fact that I can’t send the same Program Change as the one that is already activated to reload the kit feels quite natural. It doesn’t work this way on my PEAK where this resets the patch, but I can understand why this doesn’t happen on the Analog Four since the option says KIT RELOAD ON CHG, and switching to the same pattern (if that makes sense) isn’t really a change.