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So… someone asked me to do my live techno thingy in front of a camera. I fuckin’ hate cameras, but I’m still quite happy with the music. It sounds like proper warehouse techno. I guess the recording input was a bit in the red, it’s got a lot more overdrive than what I monitored. I kinda like it, it gives a tad of that beloved @Fin25 touch :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . Lots of Syntakt in it, backed by a Blackbox and bits of Digitone. Boring static me video here or Soundcloud there, because who cares about videos anyway…


An old track I still kinda like. I mostly wonder how the hell I got things done back then :stuck_out_tongue:


A little DnB from the Biweekly Extravaganza


I really love it when the vocals come in! Where do you source vocals from?

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Same tbh. I also sometimes listen back to my old tracks I made in Buzz many years ago and wonder how I came up with the sounds I used.

Great track! I’m amazed how that bassline stays the same throughout the entire song yet doesn’t get annoying.

Holy shit that middle section was unexpected, love it! What’s the sample?


Yeah, this was a dope one!


Channelling my early 00s IDM style with this WIP. Not sure about the bassline, sounds a bit goofy sometimes. I may replace it with something less obvious/constant. I’ve been relying on whole note legato basslines a little too much lately.

Probably my first 100% software track in a while (Ableton running some Fors devices and ipad running Borderlands app), though I’m considering adding some A4 to it to make it sound a bit weirder.


This is really pretty.

Holy shit I love the bass line in the middle!

And that end has Shadowrun vibes all day.

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Thank you! Yeah the first half is the most obviously pretty thing I’ve done in a while and I’m not sure about it lol. But it kinda redeems itself from the middle..

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No way, its a great contrast to the B part (the middle bass), and then goes dark. You set up quite the narrative.

There was no redemption necessary

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Thanks! :blush: I was thinking the exact same thing… “Is it really just the same 8 steps all the way through? What was I thinking and why does it work?”

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This tune started as a jam in current sounds, here is the polished Bandcamp version.
Mellow cinematic stuff. Thanks for listening.


Here’s a Syntakt track with video game “datawave” vibes.

In this case I cheaped out and lifted the vinyl acapella from youtube, had to do a fair bit of cleanup and repitching though.

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That sounds incredible! A real ‘journey’ as you listen :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks! You and @BLKrbbt have convinced me to keep it as it is in terms of progression. Might obscure the bass and melody a bit though :wink:


If you do that, balance it by punching it through a bit to really establish it.

What do you search for? Jungle acapella?

I appreciate you sharing the sauce.

A bit of sadtronica with the Synthstrom Deluge and the Digitone as an Fx processor (adding overdrive and reverb).


I’m proud of this piece. (Avant-Garde, Electronica)
Can you recognize the sampled singer?

Big thanks for listening :slight_smile: