i’ll help with the easy stuff (already started with lfo trig units, delay, arp etc)
would be simplest if HQ told us all, in a thorough manual, gosh !
you should automate it in midi first then analyse the audio
it’s a thankless task, but thanks for initiating it, even if it only provides a few extra clues
yea arp is the easiest imo, it’s just MIDI clock pulses, i.e. value 24 = quarter note.
I’m going to assume that all 3 time controls for the EGs have the same mapping, and that the time is the same for exp vs. linear shapes.
i’ll try & graph the env values, it’s likely just logarithmic, right…? so it should be sufficient to do a few of them and extrapolate the rest, hopefully.
indeed, the ADR components for regular envelopes do use time/param_val consistently, it’s just the profile which changes (lin/exp)
so a quick way to do it would be using pitch&level (or whatever you can detect best) as destinations with an AD only lin-lin envelope then divide the total passage of time by 2 - check that the release values are the same units - a quick look shows that a value of 80 on A or D is just short of 3.0secs
if the envs 8 9 10 & 11 use time in the same manner then use an attack only envelope and just measure the ‘gate’ length, it should look like a pulse of length A - that’d be simplest to do to get a few values between min and max to establish if there’s an overall relationship
i think quantifying frequency/pitch values in the filter section will be mighty handy
i would assume that the curve is nothing esoteric, but this is one of those moments where i deeply regret having smoked too much pot during high school days…
it’s exponential, i had to normalize a few things to make it easier to graph and adjust ! - i’ll have a look at explaining it soon, but the match is spot on ! One set of points is the data read from the wav and the other is theoretical
i’m no longer convinced that i can find an easily achievable solution that’s accurate enough at the sharp end having looked a bit closer at this - for my purposes a lookup table will be sufficient for now
I’d hoped HQ would be more supportive, but alas… seems the guys are very much encumbered with whatever they’re working on at the moment.
anyway, using a genetic algorithm & with the help of avantronica, I came up with values for a function which approximates the time/param relationship of the envelopes: