Are envelope time expressed as 7-bit percentage?


Sorry for the dumb question, but I cannot find it in the manual, maybe because I didn’t read it through. :blush:

Anyway, I cannot understand how AMP and FILTER envelope time values are expressed.
I think they are expressed as percentage value expressed on 7-bit, so 0 is 0% and 127 is 100% of the sample full length, but I am not sure :thinking:.

Thank you.

Now you’ve got me thinking: what is 99% of Infinity?

Sorry do not be of any assistance whatsoever.

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I think they’re expressed as exponential, something like: time = value^2

Watching the Zack Snyder cut.

Uhm… So it’s an absolute time value? That’s strange, what if you have to work with short or long samples? In first case you have poor granularity and in second case not enough time to cover the full sample length.

I cannot check on my DT since I don’t have it with me at this moment.

Of course, just like any synthesizer or sampler, otherwise switching samples would give you completely different envelope times.
And samples play shorter or longer depending on pitch anyway.

The filter envelope has a sustain value, as long as a note is held the envelope will stay there.
The amp envelope has a hold value which can be set to a pretty long time and will hold a sample to the end if set at max value.

Exponential controls get less precise the higher the value goes, but for short samples the values are pretty precise.

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don’t forget sustain !

some info from way back