
Yeah, mine is arriving in the next day or two as well. I don’t need it, but I am a sucker for roll-your-own wavetables…:grinning:

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@nionmu so yes, chords / scale / arp seq are saved per patch, 3 banks of 128, bank select + program change.
I don’t know if bank select is CC0 or CC32 or both. By default I think it loads 1-128 patches.


thank you :+1:t2: appreciate it…

sounds good. i am thinking about sequencing micromonsta from my a4 cv track via kenton cv to midi… to get some polyphony without using a4 voices… maybe i should buy one :thinking:

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Did you try the Kenton with other synth?
Do you think you can control 4 voices?
Cv + gate > 2 voices max no?

Edit : hence Chords question. :wink:

I guess you’d also have to use a midi merger for Prog Change…

i dont have the cv to midi, but i researched it a bit and it gives you a midi note from a cv and a gate plus two assignable cc messages (or velocity or aftertouch) from the other two cvs (from a4)

so the generated midi note plus the 3 notes from the mm chorder will make 4note chords possible. for program change i would use regular midi from a4… hm, oh you are right, would need a midi merger for a4 midi signal plus kenton midi signal…

at the moment it is just an idea, but something is pushing me to utilize the a4 cv track, as i m not using it at the moment…

Other ideas that pushed me…Micromonsta is still a good one!
A4 and modded Monotron
A4 / AK with x0x Heart
Analog Four + Roland TM-2 Workflow Video

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Careful there. I followed that logic and ultimately wound up just happy to use what my tracks needed, not what my gear was capable of.

I went through a Nord Drum 1, Nord Drum 2, a eurorack cv to midi converter, a Kenton, and the TM-2. I don’t use any of them now.

The CV track is a GAS trap if you don’t already have gear that can directly interface with it.


But if you do have stuff to use the CV with, the A4/Keys might become your very best friend.


Mine has been packed away, must dig it out again. Great machine

Hey guys and gals,

I’m thinking about grabbing one of these. However, as some of you know, I’m a touring musician, so it would have to be sturdy; I mean, within reason of course, but it is going to get bumped around in hot, sweaty environments, and dragged out into the cold, etc. I’ve skimmed this entire thread, more or less, and have only read a couple comments about its plastic construction, but no one has really critiqued its build quality. How are the encoders: loose, wobbly, jumpy at all? How are the jacks: snug, secure? And does the unit feel like it could take some bouncing around or what?

Please don’t feel as though you have to defend your purchase. Honestly, I think the MM sounds fantastic, but I have particular needs when it comes to my gear. I just want something compact and MPE capable that I can use with my LinnStrument on the road. Since I can’t just go to my local shop and try one, any opinions would be most helpful… Thanks.


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It’s got a plastic case but it’s really well built IMO. Feels sturdy with good encoders on mine. Definitely can stand up to gigging!


Well, that was fast… Thanks! We’re off to a good start (grin).

Anyone else? I’d like to collect a few opinions… Be merciless (wink).


My Elektron knobs are more wobbly! :smile:
Nothing to complain about except I lost a knob cap.
Not the end of the world.

I appreciate the light weigth, I plan to make a light couch setup with OT + 2 MMonsta or 1 with DoubleDrummer (Audiothingies too).
MM is almost exactly half OT width.

Btw, a new Reverb / Delay is planned.


thanks, already looked into the tm-2, but samples are not flexible/spontaneous enough for me… the other things looks fun too, but i would like something poly…

haha, a gastrap :smile: thanks for the reminder, you are right of course… and if i think of all the added cables, adapters and boxes the gas is not strong enough at the moment

Agree 100%, first time you hold it it’s surprisingly lightweight, feels like empty BUT I’m not really worried about accidentally dropping it (crossed fingers) or environment, I think it’s so sturdy and so lightweight that it will get over it.


What do you think about the doubledrummer?
I cant find any reviews of it.

I don’t have it. Not enough videos indeed.
I read it was straightforward with the right settings, as MM. Full midi control.

I have the micromonsta and wanted the double drummer as a quick setup thing i can throw in my bag. And the drummer looks good but have a very limited storage capacity and pre determined sample length.
I wanted to add 1 bar loops to use with the filter.
But still hope someone makes that cool stuff video of the double drummer.

I love preset 201 the most! Mighty little synth!

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