Korg Selling Off Synths ( OPSIX, Drumlogue, etc ) Discontinued?

Count me among the disappointed, and surprised.

The Volca FM Mk2 was just announced earlier this year. It seems unlikely that Korg would invest in developing a Mk2 Volca immediately after the OPSIX if the OPSIX was anything but a success.

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The eternal conundrum of going all-hardware, all-software, or somewhere in between.

Not knowing specifics, I do know many manufacturers use the same warehouses and it’s been in the news that they’ve been filling up with unsold products.

I’m still guessing Korg either has some new products or just that they have other products that sell better and these Opsixes are hurting future plans.

Just a guess.


And much easier to use than the Yamaha FS1R! That synth is rad… I would totally get one


I think there’s plenty more parts besides raspberry pi’s that are problematic to get at this moment. Raspberry pi itself is made from multiple elements. Supply chains are severed worldwide. Some manufacturers wait more than a year to get something. Smaller companies might even go bankrupt eventually. This autumn will be harsh.


opsix then might be a great demonstration why super conservative and super bland sound demos don’t always pay off.


Maybe Korg is just clearing out warehouse space for the Drumlogue.


On topic here.



A number of folks just receiving their units are reporting dead or very dim displays.

Personally, I wouldn’t read too much into the dead displays. It might be within the normal amount. It’s quite possible that there is a percentage of sold synths that have hardware issues and end up being returned, which is why a lot of retailers allow that shortly after a purchase. It’s also possible that most people are simply receiving their synth in normal condition and not posting about it – I think people with hardware issues are more likely to be vocal.


Would being stored in hot or humid conditions for a long period of time possibly affect the displays?

I received mine. I got a faulty unit. It makes noise until you touch a knob or button then freezes up. It freezes on its own in about 15 seconds after boot. My computer won’t recognize it long enough to update firmware before it freezes. Hopefully they saved some units for replacements. I kinda doubt it tho. I guess I’ll play with my other synths while I wait for a response from the seller. Glad I didn’t sell my digitone like I was planning to.


Man, I guess I dodged a bullet. I put in an order on reverb then felt bad for making an impulse purchase and cancelled my order for a refund. What a turn of events :open_mouth:, I want to see the documentary about the reasons behind the sale and the aftermath.

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It’s Korg’s ET cartridge ( for my Atari heads that remember )


We’ll be digging up the dump site years from now amazed at how many we find!

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Email received today:

Hi Reverber,

We noticed that your Opsix order from KORG USA Warehouse Outlet got canceled last week. We’re glad to see that you were fully refunded, but we know that you were looking forward to getting your hands on a new synth.

To help make your synth dreams a reality, we’ve added $50 in Reverb Credits to your account*. When you go to buy your next piece of gear, your Reverb Credits will be applied at checkout. The credits will be available until December 28.

NOTE: Some Reverb users got $100 in credit instead of $50.


I don’t know anything about business, but I think that’s smart! They know you had money to spend on a synth… They retain a customer and encourage more sales.


Strangely, I think I wish I’d ordered one now so that I couldn’t get it.

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OTOH you saved yourself the possible inconvenience of a broken screen or other issue reported by customers who ordered from the Korg warehouse.

That said, there have been a handful of customers who also ordered from the warehouse, yet reported their Opsixes were functional, updated to the expected OS, etc.