Destructive looping with Octatrack

Destructive loops with 8 strings guitar + 3 drums sounds. Lower CUE send, for loop decay.

With Timestretch (hence pitch shift)

Without Timestretch (pitch, wilder)

I’m hesitating between with or without timestretch, maybe both, on 2 tracks.


You’re definitely the brainiac wizard of OT.
Both good and evil side.

This is brilliant!

And as I told you earlier, I prefer timestretch on on your sound. It add some kind of digital weirdness that really fits the sound.


Yep didn’t mean anything to do with gain. It was some time ago but I chose a short sample like a 909 snare and made it alternate between two recorders at a quick pace. I don’t have th time now to dig out the OT but it might be a way to get lofi snare sounds :smile: Of course with the filter in there it will degrade much faster but also in a different flavor IIRC

I’m going to try this, probably tonight. Thanks! Love a bit of destructive looping :slight_smile:

:coffee: One pattern suffice.
Ex with 2 bars looping (4 bars with 1/2 scale, increase RLEN to 64)

Pattern length = 64
Track 1 :
Flex Recording 1, trig on step 1
Recording 2 on step 32 (sample lock, trig + level to set it)

Recorder 1
RLEN = 32, rec trig step 32, SRC3=CUE

Recorder 2
RLEN = 32, rec trig step 1, SRC3=CUE

Activate CUE (CUE + TRACK or Studio mode)

(For an even more stable volume I added +20/127 on VOL with lfo designer designed with 1 max, depth 20, but it works without, loosing level slowly).


Cool stuff mate!


Sample locking the other recorder buffer :exploding_head: - I have definitely never thought of that.

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