Your Setups (Part 2)

rebuilt my studio this weekend with wire management etc. Added a new laptop with Bitwig. Haven’t done a DAW in forever. Not the most economical but whatever

I .


Have been drooling over those Jaspers racks since forever. I always thought, dang they’re basically the same racks the Roland e-kits use but have a few special pieces. Namely the cool little things that mount to the tubes that synths and such sit on. I have a lot of spare e-kit drum rack parts, but could never figure out how I could use them.

I went to a use store the other day and by chance they had a REALLY old and REALLY beat up Roland rack for dirt cheap and it had feet! That was the one component that was missing. I snatched it up and dug out all my spare parts and started Lego-ing everything together.

Now, my current dawless set up was already kinda OK, but wasn’t really happy with it. Much less happy about the second tier being wobbly AF and looking like it would break any minute.

I must have spent 5 hours just staring at all the parts and changing things in and out before I came up with a solid idea.


Basic idea:

Finished product:

I spent all my energy on trying to get it together that I’m still not sure what the do with the line mixer, so until I do, it’s just gonna sit on a box under the whole thing…

A small highlight: Until I can figure out a good way to make a third tier, I have to use this old laptop riser for the Microfreak. The problem is that if I put it on fully this white board (covered in stickers) it covers the top half of the Launchkey Mini. If I push it back, it’s hanging off the board. Also while the iPad dock/stand I have is really dope, the angle it sets at also makes it kinda top heavy. So I added another bar which the laptop riser sits on and the iPad dock stand thingy leans against.
Kinda rinky dink but super solid and effective!


Today’s sub-setup inspired by discussion in another thread. :slight_smile:

I’ve been making wave tables from cartoons today, and making weird soundscapes and such. No full tracks yet, but TONS of fun.

The wave table building on this thing is SO easy! Like a micro-sampler with just the right small set of things to make cool tables.

Going to try to make a wee track with some of these sounds later today.



Thought I’d cross reference this here, because it’s also an update to this setup but moreso because I want everyone to know about these awesome (cheap!) stands! :slight_smile:

Kudos to @pseen (Elektron promo sheets & postcards) for making available these posters because I hung something on the wall for the first time in my late twenties.


Very cool posters, you are going to drive folk nuts on this forum with the red frame slightly lower than the yellow one :joy:


Yeah, that looks sick! :star_struck:

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right!?! fix that! :exploding_head:


And that they are not centered over the elektron boxes…


I find the asymmetry quite pleasing.

The tiny speakers and massive screen however. That bothers me.


They’re just chorussed


I was lacking some fun and some good music listening sessions with my previous setup (the usual studio desk with racks) so I decided to completely reconfigure and opted for a kind of hifi listening room, in my case a vintage system which will both serve me as a music listening system and a 2bus recording system.

So far has been extremely fun being able to play with synths and instruments from the sofa while enjoying the sheer sound bliss of Magnepan SMGa’s from the right distance, and maybe at the same time recording all to 1/4" tape and cassette tape…

What an eye opening experience coming from a purely “workflow oriented” setup to a much more laidback “hifi/music room” situation, it’s nice pulling out instruments when needed experimenting on the sofa instead of having everything hooked up all the time.

If you like me are feeling bored with your studio desk setup and have the space availability, something similar to this could be a refreshing solution!


I very much want this as my “workflow”. I’ve just renovated two rooms, but I still don’t have the space to do it. That room looks very pleasing and the comfortable listening space sounds like a joy. Well done!

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I will have to get used to your new Avatar. What is it, if you don’t mind sharing?

My current set up. Lack of space is doing a tremendous job at keeping GAS at bay.
That being said this was enough to get my first every EP done so can’t complain


My current Elektron setup with Subsequent 37, 1010 BlueBox and a Walrus R1, D1 & M1.

The nearby current coffee table where other gear cycles in and out for experiments.

Some guitar gear currently in use


What stand are you using for DT/DN/Nymphes?

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Thomann Roadworx stand. You can also just buy one half of it which is handy if you only need one row.