Your Setups (Part 2)

they sell stuff like that on etsy but you pay a premium, kegeratorz has the right idea on a budget. if you want sex appeal these can be had for around $100 USD

The very upright ones I’d probably still want velcro, these other shallower angle style I wouldn’t use velcro on.

just search google for etsy guitar pedal stand, there are more styles.

to be frank, the cost to build this would be probably $25-30 in materials including the wood stain/sealer coat and that would likely be enough to build 2 of them, all done on a saturday with some precise measuring as long as you already have tools.

If you don’t have time to do it or interest in building your own stuff, $100 with free shipping is probably about right considering etsy’s sellers fee and paying for someone’s time.


That’s a view to get creative… Most studios make my creativity vanish, but this one breaths.

Looks like it could double as art to hang on the wall!

Love the MN trio.


That’s the closes to where I would aim, some modular (mostly modulation and granular), op, octatrack…and some tape recorders instead of those boxes. (And maybe an S1)

Take a look at Guitto pedalbords. They look a little bit unreliable on pictures, but in reality they hold pedals very well.

How are you enjoying the 3rd Wave? Of all the amazing currently available poly synths, this is the one that intrigues me the most.

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Absolutely love it! I think I found the perfect poly setup between it and the OB-6. I can get PPGish and beyond, then also Prophetish with it if needed, then get the state variable bubble and sizzle from the OB. I really can’t think of a poly synth sound this pair can’t do. The interface is excellent on the 3rd Wave too. Everything is exactly where you would intuitively expect it to be, and it goes nice and deep if you want. (And just sounds incredible at surface level) I loved the M, and I feel a little bad saying that the 3rd Wave just polishes the minor things that bothered me about the M. I bought Largo 2 for my Macbook to make myself feel better about that :smiley:

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Change of plans(one week before the show) :man_shrugging:
To avoid stress and unwanted mistakes, I decided to sample everything from the Razz into Digitakt and do the show with the trusty Elektrons.
Had to put some extra work into it, but already feeling more confident to go to the gig! :+1:

So, setup will be…DN, DT, ZEN, Lossy , bébé chérie.



What kind of music do you make? Will it be improvised or playing through tracks?

Check the current sounds thread to get an impression :wink:

I’ll be playing through tracks with improvised transitions and effects mangling for my set.
A friend of mine( )will do a modular set and we will do a short improvised set at the end of his set together.


cleaning day in the space 🪥


A friend of mines setup.
He needs to write a set on this thing.


damn right, i love mine! there is a background hiss from the digital amps in them but it doesn’t bother me as they sound really good, i trust them, and they’re amazing value for money


Pea Hicks has a handful of optigans and they toured with one for a while until he converted many many discs to a soundfont or something and made a player app for his laptop. he has thousands of discs i think. no idea if they’re still a band but appears so… they’ve released a lot of music over the years.


This is down the street from my house. One of my favorite venues: the Casbah! Small World when it comes to elektronauts!


i lived in san diego for about 7 years. worked in the same studio complex w/Pea Hicks so would chat about all things gear/audio/bands and of course his optigan collection now and then.

i saw many gigs at the casbah… even played there a couple times in the back room.


I used to go there all the time!
Rob got old!…that means…I’m old! :face_with_head_bandage:

Saw Pinback there a bunch. Stereolab…
Many many shows, great venue!


Pinback. What a band. Summer in Abaddon is masterful and Sender is one of my all time favorites. So sad they broke up because they couldn’t make a living out of it. And they weren’t necessarily an unsuccessful band. Ugh. Sorry, I digress, back to set ups…



I see them playing in Vegas in October

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