Who's Been More Influential: Aphex Twin or Boards of Canada

David Bowie

I feel like most producers wanted to sound like RDJ but most ended up biting BOC because it was “easier” :roll_eyes::joy:


Yeah writers just became inspired by their own fart smell and came up with pondering man, artsy stuff. Def didn’t make noise to eachother.

Honored this post brought you out of 9 month hiatus

have a look at this thread



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Selected Ambient Works albums alone are more influential than BoC. :wink:


BoC is mediocre kitsch. Afx is art.

Check FSOL or Mouse on Mars instead of BoC.


The best sign of quantity over quality…

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more people have heard of BOC and known what it was than heard of aphex twin and known what it was

As aphex’s first release selected ambient works and an appearance on Warp was in 1992, and BOC’s official first release wasn’t until 1998 on Warp I would suggest Aphex has been more influential and probably influenced BOC.


It’s him with his evil resurrected twin brother

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Aphex twin.
He influenced many after him, including BoC … and also Skrillex :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Sometimes I find that people on the internet interested in electronic music don’t know anything except AT and BoC…




I’d say that Rephlex Records was probably the most influential part of Aphex’s legacy.

Richard and Grant gave Braindance a home and put out a catalogue of some seriously good music, all of which was in one way or another endebted to what Aphex or his many other selves had done before. That’s not to say that everyone on Rephlex sounded like Aphex twin, Braindance is a very broad church, which is maybe why it’s a little more difficult to quantify his influence in the same way as that of BoC, as so many have aped their very distinctive aesthetic, as that’s probably a lot easier than doing something original.

Look at all the knobheads on YouTube doing those “how to sound like …” Videos. I think BoC have been victims of that imitation culture, whereas all those thumbnail wankers wouldn’t know how to sound like AFX if you slapped them in the face with a rubber Jonny.


Some of us know Autechre too.


because everyone screams BOC when somebody modulates pitch with a lfo


I can only listen to them in short spurts now. They’re kinda depressing. Tomorrow’s Harvest is incredible, but feels as grindingly painful as the depressing news about our climate destruction that it seeks to soundtrack. I get maudlin and non-verbal if I play the whole record. MHTRTC and Geogeddi are easier, but by no means easy listening (for me). The dusty nostalgia is like being in a humid environment: close, hard to breath, and with no respite 'til the cooler night time. The playful, childishness of some of it is joyful the first few times and then the compressed synths begin to press down on you, reminding you what you left behind by growing up…

I’m going to play one of them now to check I still feel like this.


Aphex Twin.

EDIT: Forum needs polls, shorter thread by far, and the tally at the “end” is way easier. (Anyone counting the votes??)

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