The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Yes, at least I’d much prefer 1/96 as max cos I don’t like 1/80, but as it is already implemented like this on AR, DT, since a few years, I doubt they’ll change that.
Of course there are possibilities with tempo x2, Scale X2 and pattern chains, can be tedious, but I’d rather use
Exp lfos on Pitch/Amp/Filter can bring very fast retrigs like fx.

Maybe it would also require a specific RAM ?

Two things.
A chorus send effect.
Letting us combine multiple tracks for polyphony. I’d be fine with even just 4 voice polyphony.
But adding such a feature would probably be like admitting that the chord machine sucks, so it’s unlikely to happen…

Feature Request:
It would be great to change the Keyboard Scale (KB Scale) on a per pattern basis (instead of only per track).
This would be great to have on the digitone keys as well.

It’s frustrating to have to change this for all of the 12 tracks individually (Especially when sequencing external midi)

Mine stays on the set keyboard scale for all tracks in the pattern. I only need to set it once per pattern.

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Apparently. @nathanieles that’s why I thought you were talking about Tracks/Pattern length Scale. No need for control all for something already set for all tracks, per pattern…

Feature request.

An option for phase reset on at least the digital machines.
There are way too many inconsistent clicks.

Dream request would be for the wavetable for the Chord machine also morph to Saw, and maybe a spread/detune.

Love the ST so far.

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That’s a great sounding hat.

Also, would be cool to shift the whole pattern/track around.

I made a 64 step pattern and I want to make variations of it which are just the quarters as individual patterns.

Would be easy to chop in audio but if I’m just working with one box it would be cool to have more copy/select/paste options for rearranging patterns you have.

Or maybe a split one pattern into the next available patterns? Just spit ballin’ here.


Track+Func+Arrows = Control All Shift !


Thank you!!! Would still be cool to auto split though.

Yup - sorry about that. It seems to work as expected (per pattern) on the Syntakt.
It’s not working that way on the Digitone - you have to manually change it per track


One thing that I think would be useful on all Elektron boxes is the ability to solo a step, so you can dial in the parameter locks for that step without having the sequencer come back around to that step.

I have made several Bitwig patches where I copied Elektron style parameter locks, and the way I have the “solo” button working on those patches is that is simply holds the parameters for the selected step, and sends a repeating trigger, so you hear the step over and over while dialing in the parameters. The idea to do that in my patches was inspired by the Malekko Voltage block Eurorack module.

I think that having a “step solo” option on Elektron boxes would make it easier and quicker to dial in exact settings for parameter locks.

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Hold the step and press yes, that way you can preview the step without the sequencer running.


This is slowly turning into an Elektron Pro-Tips thread and I’m here for it


Thanks a lot! That’s a huge help.

Totally agree. Could be a simple pattern setting that says

Use Pattern Sounds : [Pattern NR]

This way you prevent having to introduce Kits.

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@SantinoCastagna sorry, just a suggestion for that feature request!
I also divide patterns sometimes, and shift 12 tracks one by one is PITA indeed.

Hi Syntakos,

when using the modifier Buttons (track 13-16) I want them to modify the track I am in which is triggered by an external Midi Keyboard.

Just an example I set Mod A to modify Delay Send.

I hold the Modifier Button down without triggering. Then I play my velocity sensitive Midi Keyboard and apply different amounts of Delay. That would be sooo great and fun.

Cheers (:


Would be even better with an option for glide or portamento between the modifiers. Emulating kind of the octatrack slider! :smiley:

I wish there was a way to morph presets or stack presets on top of each other. Digitone has option where you can stack all 4 tracks on top of each other and make a nice sound, but I’d love some sort of option, even if it’s just 2 presets and record it to a track.

I think sometimes the 8 parameters per machine isn’t enough under the syn section, technically 6 since every machine has tune and overdrive… I mean it’s definitely enough to some degree for many sounds but if we had the option to stack presets with 2 or more, then we could open a can of awesome!

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