The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

I’m still hoping for scale mode in addition to chromatic. It would give access to more notes without having to change octaves and easier to play melodies too, like how it is on the Digitone.

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Ability to save midi tracks as “instruments” (cc mapping and lfo configuration (maybe channel too)) to be loaded to midi tracks on the fly. Also labeling cc params (maybe just within software) to be stored with midi “instruments” would be nice. So you could load an instrument to a midi tack, like you load a sound to an audio track. cc labels could have a 3 character abbreviation.


I’d love to be able play a sample live (with a keyboard) while letting the parameters go thru the recorded parameter locks of the playing pattern.
for now, only recorded trigs get parameter automation…
the played lines could be much richer this way …


more aggressive overdrive value ranges, and/or bigger pre-amp level range on the SRC level. just give me 12db extra pls.



I use the trick ‘SRC + YES’ to randomize all parameters on the SRC page, but it would be good to have it to aslo randomize all tracks’s ‘SRC’ page at the same time. So by pressing say ‘TRK + SRC + YES’

I know you can press TRK and adjust a parameter and it adjusts the parameter for all tracks but just wondered as a random for all would be ace.


If any Linux users missed it, there is now basically a complete overbridge replacement for linux, thanks to @DG2 , see


oh i have one more - AUTOPLAY on the samples browser. could be en-/disabled on the same RIGHT ARROW submenu that lets you SELECT ALL and LOAD TO PROJECT.
pressing FUNC-YES for every sample is kinda annoying.


I just did a 3/4 project, and I can concur - It might have been much easier to do this work if I could have had multiple pages that stopped at 12 steps each.
Technically - I guess, one could treat patterns like pages, using more patterns of single pages of a set length. But that would be trading one problem (pattern math) for another (sample/sound/fx management.)

I didn’t watch the video, yet. I will - but I wonder - have you thought through what kind of impact or or this change would have on (or complexity it might add to) SCALE MENU > PER TRACK MODE?


Assign without saving option.
After recording a sample it would be great if there was an option to assign it straight to an audio track without saving. I would like to do more multiple stage resampling but the thought of clogging up the limited +drive with stages A,B and C when I only want D is off putting. If you were able to move a recorded sample to a track without saving first it could be shaped, resampled and assigned to the same track replacing the previous one, keeping the +drive tidy and saving time naming unwanted samples. It seems like it could be possible because you can delete samples from the +drive and they will remain in the project until it is reloaded so assigning samples to audio tracks without them being required in the +drive could work too.


Send all parameter settings over midi when you change pattern.


integrated midi merger, for midi fbk loop with the Digitone…

the possibility of bypassing the compressor for each track independently


The Digitakt needs some sort of better way to introduce width to a sample. Each track either needs a stereo widener, or we need some sort of master chorus effect. Trying to emulate a good stereo effect with LFOs never sounds good, and using 2 tracks just to do that seems a waste.


Having a tempo lock option, so that when you slow down tempo it pitches down the sample so loops stay on time… it could even be used to mimic a slowing record for special effects.


It’s such a great device after the last update!! Really addressed most of my concerns, however there are still basic things missing imo:

  1. Velocity to modulate param
  2. Direct pattern jump (like on analog 4)
  3. steps per page for easier time signature management
  4. Pitch/mod wheel support
  5. Dual input mono tracks on Overbridge to support panning done via parameter locks
  6. More params on bit reduction - to make it crunchy.
  7. Improved overdrive range… let it get into heavy distorted territory.
  8. Chorus or stereo widening (as mentioned by slicetwo)
  9. Stereo sample support - this would take it to another level completely!!!
  10. Be able to use the headphone out as a cue/fx send!! Have a send per track to headphone out if this option is enabled.

…limit sample slot select LFO to a certain range of samples, or limited to certain selected samples, so you can have say four different hat samples next to each other in the pool, and have sample slot select LFO only scroll through those selected samples, or a selected range of samples, no matter how deep the LFO depth is set. so you can random round robin a handful of sounds in the pool but only those sounds within the range, no intermittent snares or kicks when the LFO searches too far.

maybe better idea to have for each pad sample select, a way to select which samples in the pool are available for that pad, the others not available, so LFO would only jump around the highlighted “available” ones




I second this.


Stereo sampling or being able to sample Left and Right channel into two separate wav files simultaneously would be nice if stereo sampling is impossible with hardware limitation.

And I would love Force Mono mode or Global Pan setting for all the tracks and patterns. It would be great for live situation, since I normally pan everything to center for live show.


Kits! Being able to save kits in the browser would be great. So we can see a nice big list of our kits with their names on them.


The option to monitor on headphones (like a DJ cue out) without simultaneously monitoring on the Main Outs when resampling through external FX.

Edit: I’ve sent this to :slight_smile: