Stop justifying your purchases

It seems, that at a high rate the purpose of this and many other forum like places is to convince yourself that the next or latest purchase is a good thing…
And all the good reasons fill up complete threads like What’s your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] - The Lounge / General Discussion - Elektronauts
and many others…
Which is a bit of a joke, because it is cheap self influence and promoting that and have others cheer you for your latest piece of gear is simply poor…
Reading my own stuff here makes me feel bad as I fall for that as well. I am hoping to be able to say “fell” as I do not want to continue doing that.
Over the last months I chose to read and post less.
One of the reasons is the thought above and understanding that it is one of the purposes of a forum like that to keep you buying and find and post a reason, explaining, why this and that makes sense… And all the nice and friendly folks here do the same and congratz to you for continuing buying stuff…
stop it
Bob Newhart - “STOP IT!” - YouTube
honestly stop it.


That’s not how I relate to it for what it’s worth, so it may have been this was how it is used by some people only, but it’s quite a generalisation … Many folk challenge the need to buy quite often as it happens


would not generalize it as the sole purpose but a lot of self justifying circles here :slight_smile:

i agree that discussions about gear buying gain much more traction on forums than actually discussing or even listening to each others music … i guess we all fall for that sooner or later , but when push comes to shove , i’m way more productive when i just focus on the gear i have and know well …

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time to box up your synths and go home everyone. parties over


With all due respect, it seems that you are at the stage where you feel bad about your own Gear Acquisition Syndrom.

You are not alone on this forum.

And as @avantronica just reminded it there are already plenty of threads discussing such subject.

So while indeed I believe some proselytism for anti-GAS is always a good thing, I would advise you to be careful and very respectful when you project your own feelings and self-consciousness on other people.
The way you put it is a bit rude, however right you are.
Have in mind that some of the users can be a bit further on the road you’re on.


I do not have any GAS anymore…
It seems my setup… having an OT and and ipad are good enough for me.
And my lack of creativity won’t get better with buying random gear.
It is not ment rude.
It is what one can interprete when reading the forum and of course this is a statement that could lead to less usage of the forum itself… And there might be interests that want an intense use… marketing purposes? I do not know.

Sure, some those “show off the new gears” threads might be about self justification. And sometimes people might even have a consumption problem that tends to be exacerbated further by such threads. GAS can be a real and terrible problem.

But I also suspect that some people do it because they want someone to get excited and nerd out with them about a new toy when their relevant people in meatspace don’t really get what there is to be excited about.


joy should not come from the forum but from the music one creates for him / her / itself…

This forum is for the community of Elektron (actual, former or future) users.
The heart of it is a fascination for music, and electronic instruments.

It seems obvious that by nature this place is about gear, and the excitement at playing with new instruments make other people want to try some more.

It asks some discipline to resist such temptation.
My own strategy is to mute threads that talk about a piece of gear I could fall for.
But it’s true that the real cure would be to leave this place ^^


So you’re saying that the forum was set up specifically to make us buy things?


Just focus on you and let other people be whoever they want to be…

Never tell someone to stop dancing…



Mine too! I’m just here for the chit-chat.

I agree with the justification of your purchases. I think everyone should be able to buy what they want without the need to justify it. If everybody stopped buying gear what would happen? All producers of said gear would struggle, and people would loose their job.

Its our duty to spend as much as we can afford on the brands we want to support! hehe

Maybe then ask a question rather than interpreting and projecting.

I hear you and in all honesty I salute your intention to see clearly and to not deceive yourself into cravings and/or avoidances, but man keep it close to home. This is the key to good living and if you feel the forum hasn’t always been a positive influence on you, then I think it is good and healthy to act on that insight.

But that doesn’t necessarily transfer to everyone else on here. I for one don‘t need to „stop it“ anything. And I use this forum to learn, share my knowledge and scroll through stuff that interests me casually during downtimes not to justify anything. I also don’t suffer from a “lack of creativity” and I’m totally OK with my gear purchases / non-purchases.

That said, I’m happy for you that you are good where you are and aiming to get better, keep keeping on with that.


@hausland thank you for the right words, I was aiming at that direction but you spoke my heart ^^

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Why would that be? For me personally, there are numerous sources of joy to tap into. Making music is one, as is reading here about instruments I would never have heard about, together with the insight that I should definitely not get into modular. And I also like some of the lounge stuff, views from the window, etc.


another thread:
stop trying to interprete everything as an assault :slight_smile:
It is not about beeing rude but to start a discussion about the questionable behaviour how some try to convince themselves to buy stuff.

trigger warning :troll:

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And who would be the judge of that? Aren’t we all responsible for our own actions?