Sound Pack: Soft Spoken for Syntakt

The deftest of touches to your temple, delicately soaking into your senses. Soft Spoken for the Syntakt is Jogging House’s follow up to his Digitone wonder pack, the beloved Haunted Hearts. As the debut Sound Pack for Syntakt, it had to be a special one, and after one run through you’ll be firmly ensorcelled. Soft Spoken is as expertly crafted as you would expect, with beautiful ambient tones tenderly coaxed into existence via Jogging House’s expert hands and ears. And longing to be released through your fingertips as their very own whispers of tranquility.

Like the innumerable shades of sky during sunset, there are a multitude of soothing sounds to work through: 128 pads, leads, basses, chords, and more - utilizing Syntakt’s digital and analog machines. These sounds are designed to be played chromatically, conjuring rich textures that wipe away the noise of the city with a gentle gesture, leaving only the serenest of soundscapes.

Listen to more of Soft Spoken and purchase here.


Trust @boboter to take the Syntakt to the next level. This is instabuy. I’m suddenly very happy that no one picked up my Syntakt when I had it for sale :slight_smile: now, I’m keeping it :slight_smile:


Will they be identified as Analog or Digital?

Thank you! I am so happy this out and I hope you Syntakt guys will enjoy the sounds.

BTW, I made an entire EP with just the Syntakt and the sounds from the pack. It’s name your price, too.


Absolutely beautiful work
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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You might just have single-handedly stopped my Syntakt from being returned.


I think a ‘Jogging House Syntakt through reel to reel’ instrument would be my dream follow up to Spitfire Audio’s tape synths.

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Return cancelled, sound pack ordered.

Cheers @boboter


ordered it, but its not showing up in my registered sound packs :frowning:

Great sounds.

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Mine showed up immediately in registered sound packs.

My Syntakt’s clock skipped a beat. :black_heart:

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Haunted Hearts for Digitone

A post was merged into an existing topic: Haunted Hearts for Digitone

I almost forgot, here is the sound demo video:


OMG!! Best news of the Day! Now the Syntakt is finally complete. Thank you @boboter for lending us a part of your spirit to play on this wonderful instrument :pray:t3::two_hearts:

Picking up both album and synth pack today :facepunch:t3:


Contact support if you haven’t so already, it should show up on your account immediately after purchase.

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My pleasure. Thanks so much for the kind words.

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Instabuy indeed.

Edit: I love that the trademark Jogging House tape hiss is “baked-in” to many of these sounds. Awesome.


Haha. I don‘t even notice it anymore at this point :slight_smile: