Resampling thread

Beware, If you resample a track with SRC3 = T1-T8, recording level depends on VOL, not TRACK LEVEL.


Hmm now that I’ve thought some more I guess that’s fine. Usually my resample workflow is to leap frog back and forth between two tracks. So I’m thinking if both tracks are at 127 then eventually I’ll lose volume right? Because then wouldn’t I need more than 127 to get it to be the same volume?

Correct, but the issue was the output volume of the resulting track…correct me if I’m wrong

Jeez this makes things more complicated.

So if it’s clipping hypothetically, I would have to turn down the Vol, not the level?

If we’re talking internal resampling, yes if you are summing several tracks into one and the result clips the recording buffer’s input. But that means that your mix is technically not OK anyway.

Can’t elaborate, I have to read a book to my son!
What is your reSampling gain strategy when saving?

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… Dad?

Maybe. It happens sometimes…:content:
Resampling when all tracks are full

Internal clipping with normalized samples?

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I increase the CUE to +10 on the mixer page. Then my CUE resamples come out at the same volume as the original track.


This is probably because +10 boost on the cue master (the source) compensates for the -19 attenuation (127-108) on the track output level (the recording). In my opinion, this is not a good practice because you’re reducing the headroom, so you’re more likely to clip the recording.

No problem. I sold the Octatrack and got a Digitakt instead :wink:

Still a bit confused on this resampling thing - is there a YouTube video or link? I’m more of a visual person.

This video helped me get started. He uses it for live transitions (which is very cool) but the concept is the same.


Hi all. I’m constantly running into a certain problem with resampling on my MkII. These are the settings I’m using:
-Using T4 to resample tracks 1-4 into the buffer. This includes the sample assigned to and sequenced on T4.
-INAB/INCD both off, SRC3 set to CUE
-RLEN 64
-LOOP is on
-QREC and QPL are set to PLEN

So when my song comes to a certain section, I juggle between two patterns (both using the same Part) and when I feel like it, I cue the tracks I want to resample and press T4+REC3, initiating the sampling process afther the pattern changes.
After the sampling is done, I uncue the tracks and then gradually start transitioning to the next pattern which is using a different Part where the R4 buffer is assigned to T4, there is a playback trig on the first step, and I should get a perfect loop of my cued mix. Throughout the song I’m using this trick twice to get some randomness.

But it won’t work every time and I can’t figure out why. The thing is, I’ve practiced the song a lot and after playing through it four or five times I feel confident enough to actually record it into my DAW. Then this happens: while resampling, the sampling indicator (+) is there, the REC3 lights are flashing, but when I switch patterns the sample won’t play, and looking into AED all I can see is silence.
Or sometimes the track recorder will keep on recording forever unless I manually switch it off, despite the RLEN parameter being 64. I have dynamic recorders set to on, but it shouldn’t matter because my RLEN is not MAX?

I also tried using a one-shot record trigger but ran into the same problems.

What on earth is going on here? It’s the first time I’ve felt powerless in front of my OT and I eventually just switched it off and tried to do something else, but I can’t find peace of mind until I’ve recorded the song.

EDIT: I executed “reload part” right after switching to a pattern utiziling another part, and that seemed solve the problems. But why? Because I also reloaded them one by one before hitting play and did not make any changes before switching to them while performing.

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From what i’ve experienced, OT recorders get confused when REC SETUP changes on them, and maybe just struggle with part changes in general. It sucks, I really hope they make it more stable. Something that might help, do you have matching REC SETUP for both parts?


I’m not sure if they match but tomorrow I’m going to double check that and try again. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Related bug I noticed / signaled : tweaked REC SETUP settings are kept after a part change. :grimacing:
Ex :
Pattern 1, part 1 RLEN=16
Pattern 2, part 2 RLEN=32
If you tweak pattern 1 RLEN to 4 steps, switch to pattern 2, it will record 4 steps instead of 32 steps. Bug.


Yep. Think it was this that I noticed first. SRC3 can also get stuck on previous setting. I imagined this was well known (only got OT last year), very surprised and annoyed that it has not been fixed, pretty shocking bug!

Well, it took a bit longer than a day to get back at it but I can confirm that track recorder settings - at least RLEN and SRC3 - seem to be carried over to other Parts when switching patterns while the sequencer is running and it can be circumvented by func + cue after the pattern switch. With matching rec setups there are no issues whatsoever.

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Hey! I just tried to recreate this in a fresh project on 1.40A, I can’t do it!

I tried changing RLEN and SRC3 with the sequencer running while switching between two parts.
It seems solid! Undocumented fix??