Sometimes i just dont know what happened

Shorten your amp hold & release time, lay down trigs like you would with a oneshot. You can do all the usual trickery with LFOs, retrigs, and scenes in addition to that. Trigs and trigless trigs on thru tracks trigger the amp & filter envelopes, just like on flex or static tracks.


I think this was missing puzzle piece. Very good to know. Thanks!


…aaaand octatrack is famous for so many good reasons…
but all that fame is NOT earned by it’s overview quality/capabilties… :wink:

loosing overview is almost a feature…

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@astricii thank you for ideas.

ok well it made sense to me when i first set it up to scr3 thru track. How was I getting fx the following day NOT selecting thru track as source (rhetorical question because undoubtedly i heard fx when they weren’t there etc:)?

I was trying with one shots, regular recording trigs, and manually.

I neurotically save parts, so i was probably aok there.

Totally mandatory and please ask again if you ever see me post about thru problems:). I forget that all the time…

Ok this makes sense but i thought “oh wow, if input A is chosen as source for the thru, then it gets to input A before it gets to a flex recording from input A.” since fx on recording was seemingly working on the flex…so i think mostly these issues MUST be user error, auditory hallucinations etc…i will continue fighting the good fight because the OT is an absolutely incredible challenge.

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If you’re using recorder trigs, you can p-lock recording sources on REC1 setup, so what you might’ve done is had input A and SRC3 selected at the same time.

There was also known bugs with REC setup not changing with parts properly.

I tried to recreate with fresh project on 1.40A and it was no longer an issue, but it has not been documented as fixed. If it’s not sounding right, try nudging the sources in rec setup (A to B, then back to A).


I don’t know why they don’t just make a proper updated hardware unit from the ground up.

I’d buy one if it wasn’t so esoteric and ridiculous to use. Unfortunately there still isn’t really anything that comes close. Perhaps the Polyend Tracker is quite close with the new time stretch / granular functions.

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Hmm… I guess that may be in part why I haven’t gotten where I thought I would have with the OT. It get’s complicated in a sense when your not familiar with doing something and your doing so many things in addition to that.

Been burnt out on it myself. I feel like I’m just not mentally available by the time I’m using it. But I’ve been pretty exhausted overall for a while now though.

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Absolutely not. Unusual, but logical.
Machinedrum RAM machines heritage.

Can it sequence recordings and play them on the fly? If not, Machinedrum is still closer.


I never save parts, their settings are auto saved with active state, still the same after power cycle. Save project or banks suffice to reload a previous satisfying state. Saving project AND parts systematically is a paranoid waste of time imho. :content:

Saved parts can be useful for live mess/reload.


Mind Blown.


Merv this is the best hypothesis. I had just started messing with plocking recording trigs after seeing it in a video. But i wasnt sure if those over-rode the recording setup 1 page…as usual i was playing with another aspect of the OT that i dont fully understand…

Thanks for the thoughts.

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Haha i read these words by munro and thought of those who really seem like theyve logged the hours and are so comfortable with it.

My main thought was that the OT is just really complex. Then add on top of that its super versatile in terms of routing as well as workflow, and that doubles the difficulty level. And no doubt, OT is way more difficult for me to learn than the rytm, daws, building tube amps etc…and compared to a daw, I never considered doing on a daw most of the stuff i want to do with the OT. I would have probably never even been interested in the OT had i not had so many years of daw experience. So i blame the daw for my troubles, not the other way around haha…

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Hahaha i am absolutely paranoid! Saving is the one piece of firm bedrock i hold onto when using the OT.

And now: this quote is going to pop into my mind every time i save…”well that was a paranoid waste of time wasnt it?”


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Provocative maybe, a lot of people recommend to save parts systematically.
Doesn’t seem necessary to me. I’d like to read/see/hear something proving it is…

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Well i do recall recently that i shut off the OT without saving the parts and OT still recalled the “unsaved” settings after reboot . As usual i thought i was octallucinating…

It is your experience that paranoid saving is not explicitly needed?

Not only mine, but I experimented in a stressful way :
My power socket was loose at a time, with a lot of unexpected power off consequence while moving slightly OT.
Same state after power cycle.

Parts settings are auto saved in files. Save project or bank suffice as backup to reload. I can’t imagine having to save all parts of a bank everytime as some people do. :grimacing:

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This is such good news! The little star next to the part number after an edit is what must provoke over saving…



Ok not really relevant to the thread but i am making big progress today!

One, i dont save anymore:). Im sure i will if i have something i want to keep:)

Almost fluidly recording on flex’s, live resampling, running some tracks with plays free, which for vocals is a must in my mind…live slicing and plays free triggering is also progress… These are skills i need!

And i swear, i frigging swear, the OT would not flex record on a track i had just recoreded on, no matter what trig or manual approach i tried…until i trigged a different flex track to record. Then i went back to track that wasn’t working and it worked! But probability would still suggest i was somehow in error…hmmmm.

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