Resampling thread

I forgot to check in 1.40, previously I had the issue @sezare56 documented here, where RLEN or SRC3 in one part can carry over when changing to another part. This isn’t happening for me with a fresh project on 1.40A.

I’m approaching with caution, but if I can reliably change SRC3 between parts, this is huge!


I’m amazed by all the tips and setup scenarios. thanks a lot! should note somewhere to not forget about Cue resampling and seperate Bank for resampling - that’s amazing.

does anyone sample all tracks at once to their respective recording buffer and set them up in another pattern with another part? or is this too much DAW kind of thinking?

It’s not too much DAW kind of thinking, but simply very limited. Even when you use all the available RAM for recording you only get a little bit over 1 minute of 16 bit audio for each of the 8 track recordings (and no RAM left for flex sample slots).

But, of course, that’s quite useful for 8 track looper scenarios.


Jeez wizz here I go digging up turf with another seemingly rudimentary question???

I’ve watched a few looong vids and read oodles of script but I can’t find what I need to see or hear to get over the hurdle?

I’m trying to resample internal tracks(emphasis on “trying”) but all I’ve read and watched has me baffled? Especially seeing how most vids are the black box mk1 there’s some button detail I can’t seem to find?

Can anyone help out, I’m sweating over this one. I bet it’s stupidly easy and I should be embarrassed for asking but frankly I need to keep at it to maintain muscle memory and interest moving forward.

Thank you.

On the MKI, you have to press the track button + MIDI to record whatever track you assigned to SRC3.
IIRC the manual even has a tutorial for that.

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You can also use a one shot rec trig, define SRC3 source and length…you have to arm the one shot. (Rec Setup = Func + Rec AB).
Or place a rec trig and remove it, simpler imho.