Polyphonic Digitakt via Retrokits RK-002 cable?

So, the polyphonic feature must still be there you say. Right now when i connect the cable it just works channel 10 and what does is when you press the track it jumps sounds of every track from 1-8 just triggering them randomly, not in a euclidean ways they just sound. The other funny thing is that when the cable is connected the track 9(channel 9) led light stays white when you press it

Another thing ive ordered qith the digitakt pre installed it has the polyphonic and the euclideand and arpggiator? Or just the

Does the digitakt firmware has antrhing to do with this?

Connecting the loopback in the digitakt, i can configure the settings with the webapp? But can upload to it the DUY?

Thanks for the help guys

Hey what if the setting up channel 9 on the track 9 of the DT is not working at all woth rk002 cable? Whats does this mean? Cable is broken? Doesnt have the firmware updated?

I just received my RK-002 and within minutes I was up and running, generating and recording some Euclidean grooves on the Digitakt. I can tell this is going to be a great little “pattern starter” when I’m looking for some happy accidents.

Also looking forward to digging in on some custom trig events, making the DT talk to itself from its MIDI tracks without worrying about my habitual “double-tap” on the stop button messing things up.

I’ll end up using this live if it proves as stable as it seems. One thing I like is that the Euclidean groove currently being generated seems to be persistent across patterns unless you change a MIDI channel 10 value, so it’s a great way to try a set Euclidean groove across multiple kits (patterns) to find sweet spots of groove-meets-kit.

The whole polyphony thing will be nice too, although that wasn’t why I bought it.

So far, works “as-advertised” out of the box and I’m having a great time!

Retrokits customer experience was good too!



1st post here.

How does the RK-002 make midi loop back more stable?

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A lot of the MIDI messages which can cause a crash are muted


When you double-tap the STOP button on the DT it sends a “All Notes Off” message which correspond to CC#120, it’s the one causing most of the crashes. As anokah mentioned, it’s being filtered out by the RK-002 so no more crashes! You can filter it with some MIDI software too. :slight_smile:


Thanks. Filtered out by default or something you have to change or setup yourself?
I’m new to midi and know basics but don’t really understand what the Retrokits cables are about.

Thanks again

Seems to auto-filter the “bad” CC messages in my version.

It’s basically a MIDI cable with a microprocessor on-board that processes MIDI on the fly. It can also be ordered or otherwise updated with various flavors of firmware that make it suitable for different applications and devices.

I ordered mine with the Digitakt-specific firmware, which includes Euclidean pattern generation via CC value inputs on CH10 or polyphony support via CH9. The chip/firmware also filters out problematic CC messages that can cause crashes when using a normal MIDI cable for loopback.

The Euclidean thing is kind of brilliant because you can select CH10 (MIDI B), select FLTR, and then the 8 knobs (A-H) control the Euclidean values for audio sequencer channels 1 - 8. Press PLAY, and tweak away at the knobs.

Black end of the cable in MIDI Out, orange end into MIDI In, make sure your MIDI CONFIG settings are properly done per the instructions and boom, instant auto-groove fun.


Great! Thanks all, for the details.

it doesnt

@turbiville Can you please elaborate?

Today retrokits solved the problem of the double tap stop button . You can install the firmware 1.4 following this steps:


I’m using this sketch programmed into my Arduino and it works great with the Digitakt!

midipoly (V6) - an Arduino sketch for Polyphonic Digitakt

I’m having a lot of fun with polyphony and the old Fairlight CMI IIx sample set. I like the RHODES4 sample loaded into multiple slots with some LFO panning. Turns out you can convert the loop points between Fairlight and Digitakt pretty easily. The following formula gets you close, then adjust.

(120 / 16000) * loop point in bytes

You can look them up at: Fairlight sound library database

Have fun!


did you ever figure out if this works? :slight_smile:

I didn’t end up ordering the RK cable… I’d recommend emailing retrokits to see if the channel filtering is possible.

sorry for the basic question, but I’m new to Ableton (using Live 10). how do you set up Digitakt as the “brain”?


Using yours. :wink:


I just received one directly from Retrokits, and I ordered it to come pre-loaded with the Digitakt firmware – I thought the point of ordering it pre-loaded was that you don’t have to go fiddling around with the website to have it properly configured.

I tried connecting the Digitakt with several different MIDI controllers using the cable, tried both ways (orange end on midi in on digitakt, black end on midi in on digitakt), but nothing works. Ordinary midi cables work (they only will trigger the digitakt monophonically, of course), so I don’t think it’s the controllers or the digitakt.

On the digitakt, my midi settings under “Port Config” are:

Turbo Speed (not checked)
Out Port Func - MIDI
Thru Port Func - MIDI
Input From - MIDI
Output To - MIDI
Output CH - Auto CH
Param Output - CC
Encoder Dest - INT
Trig Key Dest - INT
Mute Dest- INT
Receive Notes - Check
Receive CC/NRPN - Check

Track channels are all set to their corresponding channel (e.g., Track 1 Channel is 1, Track 2 Channel is 2, …)
Track channels for A thru H are set to Off.

Any help would be appreciated!

With the new firmware update “USB compliant” does that mean we can change settings on this cable with just the digitakt??

With OS 1.20, Elektron introduced the “USB Class Compliant”-Feature to the Digitakt. This only refers to the audio, not the MIDI. This means you can record your audio (master output only) directly through USB (even without Overbridge). For Android I use the free app “Motiv Audio” by Shure. Works like a charm. (You’ll need an adapter for your phone of course)