Place your bets! Which Elektron box will see an update next?

Midi update / notes for the Heat must be somewhere on the horizon…

Playback => RAM => CF

Why couldn’t RAM be able to handle all that in seemingly one take?

That’s right! I’d be happy with that if OB is not an option.

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Really… I get cut off, thought it was a ram issue. I will have to look into this


Go to memory config, change reserve length there, in rec setup set LEN to max.

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See my post above, when changing reserve length the text will show number of steps when adjusting.

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Aye. It’s a good tip. But as RAM is shared between all tracks and 8m28s is the max, printing all 8 tracks would result in just over a minute max for each, right? Recording all tracks directly to CF would be a more elegant solution imo. No idea if it’s possible, just thought it’s a great idea for bouncing all of a pattern’s audio in separate stems in one fell swoop :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: or more than one pattern if Arranger changes were followed during bouncing

Definitely, I was just addressing the 64 step part :wink:

Recording direct to card would be great, but probably not possible.

I still wish the steps could be set to beyond 64 in rec setup, and let dynamic recorder settings govern it.


Another good idea for an OS tweak :slight_smile:

I’d love “direct” recording on CF, but I absolutely don’t count on it, even if it’s possible with a RC505, recording up to 2GB, around 3H30m on a microSd card!
With OT I tested 8 recordings at the same time, directly played at different start positions, it worked perfectly. A FLEX track playing its previous recording and other recordings can even record itself!:loopy: RAM only…
Octatrack 64 breakbeat x 16 slices megabreak of doom:

So yes, @craig theoretically 1m04s max per track for 8 recordings, with free RAM.


Is there anyone that knows OT better than you?! The level of knowledge that you possess is simply astonishing! I have bookmarked at least 100 of your posts.


cough model battery handle


Analog Drive! No update since july 2017!
No conditional trigs, no song mode! :scream:

Hard to bet with Elektron, we had some really good surprises. Give all a Chance! (make TRC a mega Chance knob).

My wishes are for DN first, some annoying bugs. OT has many bugs, but usually there’s a workaround. :pl:


Yes, and it’s your latest acquisition by the sounds of it. DN has many problems but, like you said, there are some workarounds for certain things. I think DN has the most potential for improvements, as it’s definitely not maxed out like DT and there are so many good suggestions on the DN feature requests thread. They could really turn DN from great to phenomenal if implemented :yellow_heart:


Yeah, the DN is almost perfect, just a few frustrating issues with the arp (no quantize-offsets-to-scale as the manual shows, arp notes dont follow trigless plocks, arp params not plockable) and lfo (timing divisions, fade, triggers), as well as the potential for plockable fx, retrig, and fixed ops, and it would be perfect in my eyes.

And, @ess has even mentioned that there is an update in the works to fix the infamous clicking bug, so I can definitely see a digitone update soon - I’m checking the news all the time hoping about it, it’s an incredible instrument already and just needs a few finishing touches :slight_smile:

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I really wish Elektron would work on the live looping functionality of the OT. Flex machines work ok and Pick Ups can’t be trusted. Look at the way an RC 505 handles looping as a model. Would it be impossible to add sound on sound functionality to Flex machines? (The work around is a Pita and it should just work) or make Pick up machines as reliable as they should be so they can be used with confidence.

For the record I happily use Flex machines for live looping but it could be a bit better.


digitakt + elektron tranfer update that just let’s me pick a project and tranfers the project + samples into a folder of my choice. please? :slight_smile:


oh, and then microtuning for all current boxes, so we explore the forbidden frequencies
yeah, maybe this just turned into a whishlist, actually i don’t get my hopes up…

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You’re not alone in the micro tuning dreams. @Ess has talked about it as an interest, so we can definitely dream - I’ve found a few different techniques for achieving basic micro tonality on the digitone, may start a thread about it soon if others are interested - microtinality opens up a whole new universe, and fm is the perfect way to explore that universe since you have so much control over harmonic spectra (eg using 3:1 ratios for sounds using the tritave instead of octaves like bohlen peirce tunings, much more complimentary - not to mention just intonation combined with plocks to operator ratios - ok I’ll stop, now I’m drooling lol)


I would like to see transfer improved with more functionality with presets etc…
that’s my guess for next update put me down for $100.00 :sweat_smile:

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