Place your bets! Which Elektron box will see an update next?

Just for funsies. Which Elektron box will see the next significant update? Which one needs it the most? Which one has been ‘neglected’ in your opinion? (Talking additional features here, not just bug fixes and the like). Right, go!

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OTmk2 Page LEDs… pleeeeeeeeeease!!!

edit: clearly I don’t have the attention span to read your entire post. Sorry.


No no, that’s fucked me up more than a few times. OT could do with both. Bug fixes and a few bits of extra candy :slightly_smiling_face:

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I guess that was really more of an addendum than an edit… brain no work today.

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At this point with Overbridge, their lineup just feels so powerful. My next big wish list item isn’t really specific to one of the boxes, but I want to see an official pattern/project management tool, probably built as a part of Overbridge.

But to answer your specific topic though, I think Digitakt will receive the next update. The Analog line just got a bunch of MIDI control, the DN basically has the same OS but more mature than the DT, and the Heat just got a MK II. My guess is that the Digitakt will get the ability to apply volume and effects to incoming sounds, just like the DN. I highly doubt they will add a song mode though, even though some people strongly want that.

Definitely needs “Trig+Yes” though!


If anything is due for new features it is probably digitakt… probably some of the features digitone got when digitone keys came out, being able to set up a “kit” that replaces chromatic keys on a single track seems like a feature the digitakt should get being a drummachine. Seems a bit odd to see both A4 and Tone which are synth focused to have this but not a drum focused box :man_shrugging: When the keys came out and the tone got an update I sort of expected digitakt to get some sort of feature parody soon after but its been long enough im not sure if it will happen at all now… unless they are planning a digitakt pads version which will add this feature set.


Digitakt Pads would be awesome! :yellow_heart:


For my money, I think DT will see the next update but it’s a tough one because of it nearly being maxed out - why it doesn’t have the extra processing power of the similarly priced DN from the get-go is beyond me (but obviously not possible to redo in retrospect), because it could really benefit from DN’s base-width filter, better handling of external inputs and a master distortion. My second (much hoped for bet) is on the OT. At the very least being able to copy/paste multiple trigs and the aforementioned LED brightness issues, but on the more hopeful end a few more effects would be greatly received. The latter shouldn’t affect the processing power as only two effects per track can be selected anyway.


I think the DT will definitely be the next runner up for an update, though I feel it might be insignificant due to the limited processing power. I miss mine like crazy and if it does get an update that’d be all the more reason to replace it.

Aside from that, I would like/hope to see some small improvements to the M:S like fine control of sample start and length. An Asio driver would be nice too for us Windows users.


I’m hoping for more filtering options on the DT.


just a nice kinda do everything box that requires no updates at all


Well, I mean, that would be great for some but it would also lead to complexity issues and much menu diving of course. But that’s not really an update to a current box tbh. Any new feature you’d like to see added to the current boxes?

Great suggestions for the OT multi button copy and also new fx.
We can hope.
I have a feeling it’ll be MS or MC range though. Just a guess.

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I think it’s the Sidstation. It is finally getting overbridge.


Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be a likelihood. Per Ess, there’s limited resources in the Digitakt to make this an actuality

I would actually guess there will be a physical update, a DT Mk2, with extra processing power, before a more significant firmware update. And even more likely, the MK2 accompanies a nice firmware update.


I doubt it. Elektron doesn’t like to retread.

Not unless the parts become an issue. Then it would be DT + DN mk2s


I think the cycles will be updated if anything. New kids on the block get the most attention. Maybe an attack control.


Of course, and why wouldn’t there be a DT and DN Mk2? There has been Mk2’s of most of their machines.

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I think OT is up next. Just like Rytm and A4 got graphics overhaul and other sweet things. I think they will try and make the UI more cohesive with the rest of the line. And hopefully add some more dope stuff.

And my guess is that it is the last update for OT, so they’re going out with a bang! Here’s to hoping :smile: