Place your bets! Which Elektron box will see an update next?

from what I heard, the hardware is too old to handle stuff like overbridge and even if it could, they’d almost have to recreate it from scratch as the codebase seems pretty old.

I suppose next OT will be an OT 2, not a MkIII


I see you like accumulators!

If that list comes true tho :heart_eyes:

Ah, I see… Actually, also I think I remember someone saying there’s an issue around the OT having been designed by someone no longer at the company, and no one really knows how it all fully hangs together!? I could have made that up.

Either way yes maybe a new ground-up performance mixer / sampler to replace it is more likely.

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This has been debunked, though individuals have left elektron there is still team members that worked on the OT. Theres a post on here from one of the elektron guys explaining this. There is a general agreement that the OT code is a mess though.

No overbridge on the OT come down one single design decision. The USB is connected only to the CF card reader and is not interconnected with the audio side of the OT. Making overbridge for the current OT models not possible.


A Digitakt firmware update with drum synth engines, as their description says (“8 voice digital drum computer”)


Love the thought! I’d expect that in a separate box, but I hope it does happen soon. They definitely have a gap in their lineup for it. There are a LOT of things you can do making drums with digital synthesis that just isn’t feasible in an analog model.


I miss a lot digital synthesis like Machinedrum, but in the shape and features of the actual line.

I’m doing the same thing. Even after they let us move our computers to our home, I’m still astonished with how little work I’m getting done.

Feels bad, man

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Definitely feels like the Digitakt should be next.

Wether anything is possible within the device’s capacity is up to debate of course.

I surely hope that a Digitakt MK2 doesnt show up in 2021.

If you ABSOLUTELY want pads, there are countless options from any AKAI MPD to a Quneo or any midi device with pads for that matter that can plug in to MIDI in and you can have a finger druming alternative set up in a minute.

And if by pads we mean pads like the M:S or the AR, I think the 50$ish workaround I just mentionned is a lot more appealing.

I know companies think they make their money on new products and not on significant updates but I ll be pissed to see a Digitakt II show up next year, I dont buy 1k gear to have to buy its replacement 3 years after if I want the improvements I was begging for it for 3 years ha ha.

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I think buying gear and expect this or that feature to be added is a recipe for being let down.

I always buy gear based on what they can do and not by what I want it to do.

It feels like this rate of updates on products is quiet the new phenomenon


Totally agree! :+1:t6:

Yeah, I didnt buy it for anything not implemented at the time, I am a very happy 3 year owner.

Even if it said at the time that it came with overbridge :slight_smile:

But I dont want to see a ‘slightly’ revamped version with minor changes and a new paint job being released as a MKII 4 years after :wink:


I think Elektron learned a valuable lesson about promising what you can’t deliver when it comes to OB2

If it’d be impossible or too hard to make it OB compatible, I wonder if it’d be possible to implement simultaneous recording of 8 stereo tracks to CF?


Yeah there is no way we will see a DT 2 this year or next in my opinion, the Digitakt is just coming into adulthood with the past few firmwares and the OB2 release. I think it and the Digitone will see a firmware update pretty soon with a few tweaks/additions/fixes but the Digitakt at least in my opinion is a very mature device.

-Not directed at you nldaL-
If anyone wants stereo samples on Digitakt, it’s already implemented: Load left channel sample into track, program pattern. Copy track data to adjacent track, change loaded sample to right channel sample. Pan left hard left, and right hard right. There you go, you got it! Now you can modify the sound of each channel in subtle or not-so-subtle ways to achieve the sound you want. It’s really easy, and quite fast as well. You don’t need a Digitakt 2 for this feature! It’s much more flexible handling a stereo sample this way as well versus a standard stereo track.


@sezare56 says this is already possible i think?

Not directly to CF though.
That’s one of the gripes I have with octa.

I would love to be able to sample myself singing longer vocals directly to CF and put them on a static track


That’s a great idea. Just being able to ‘print’ all 8 tracks offline would be fantastic. Especially if the length could be set beyond 64 steps to take into account any long LFO modulations etc. Then stick all 8 tracks on statics for further mixing with two FX per channel back in action. That would be a great ‘replacement’ for not having OB on OT. This should be a feature request for sure!


No. You can record to RAM, but not to the CF card. I don’t see a significant change like that coming to the OT.


8m28s max with free RAM.
I make 4-5 min recordings oftenly.