OP-1 Discontinued?

They’re speaking of their usual retail price right? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



“They see me trollin’, they hatin’…”


Why are they updating the platform?
Its either an OP1 mark 2 or nothing. Theres nothing to update.

they may indeed call it that (though maybe they’re not ready to announce it as such). but seems pretty clear to me that what others have mentioned is true: parts are becoming scarce and they’re sourcing new ones that should be much more readily available.


They ran into some sourcing issues for parts (namely the screen) so I think there’s a minor hardware revamp. Much like the Elektron MKII OT.

Check Ebay prices. It’s going through the roof. How many other synths have had a run like the OP-1? It’s been out for about a decade. I think they are weathering the economic climate well. Of course nothing is guaranteed.

TE are good people. :slight_smile:


Told ya, it’s just like Fox News, folks :slight_smile:

(I got the warning/clarification email from TE too)

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  1. A part that have been end-of-lifed by its manufacturer requiring circuit and/or pcb redesign to work with the replacement part.
  2. They found a way to reduce production and/or assembly cost by changing the fysical design if the device, or the material used.
  3. They wanted to put in a faster processor to add new features or to increase polyphony.

Probably because of ongoing demand and limited/out of the production parts.

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I just got this email from Teenage Engineering


Dittoooo newer hardware incoming soon

21 bogus bids/the seller himself…?

Re-marketing genius :ok_hand:t2:


Preordered. :rofl:

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Thought the same. I would imagine it will make the updated price tag easier to swallow too, after all if people are willing to pay a 1000 for a used machine they will certainly pay the same for a brand new one with updated parts.

Nobody will want the old body when it starts again.

thought the same thing, pretty genius move if its what they intended.

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