Teenage Engineering OP-1

Let me get one

I guess I always thought the original price of the OP-1 was a bit of a bargain when compared to similar digital instruments, case in point - it was cheaper than the Octatrack but every bit as capable albeit in entirely different ways and use, even though they are both “samplers”.

I think a lot of people equate value for money to physical size, but that is a bit of a mistake where the OP-1 is concerned IMHO.

I think the prices will settle down fairly quickly, possibly a little over the original new price perhaps, ultimately though the market decides, as with everything else.

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I have owned 3 of them… every 2 years I think I need one bt I never really do… I mostly ever use it to show it off or brag to people

I really suggest to participate to operator-1.com battles to discover new faces of this amazing synth.
By using it you really get how powerful it is, and being constrained really helps finding new tricks or getting a new workflow. Plus the deadline is always here to push you to finish your track.
A nice game it is !


I think a lot of people dont see the depth of the op-1. Even took me a while. When you just fideling around with the presets it sounds quite boring. But when you discover the power of the 4 Tracks and Resampling … oh boy …

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: OP-1 Discontinued?

Whoever is holding the top bid might now be feeling a little anxious watching the clock click down

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8 grand?
mental. think it could be a TE pr stunt, buying them from themselves at crazy prices type thing?
8k is bananas. 3k was bananas but 8k is even more bananas. a bunch of bananas.

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any good vids of the 4track resampling do u know, @Poly?

id be very interested to hear that side of it.

Makes no sense as a PR stunt since they don’t get any money from second hand sales. Hopefully the news will deflate prices to less than new.

more just general advertisement for them as a company I was suggesting.
seems crazy anyone would pay that much for one, especially when discontinuation was only rumoured a few days ago.
its probably legit, I’m jus a li’l baffled.

If they got found out it would be incredibly bad PR.

Plenty of bids from 0 feedback users, guessing it’s other people who have no intention of paying up and just highlighting the absurdity.

guys come on… pls dont fall for this nonsense. :joy:
nothing has transacted at those prices. if you check ebay post the “discontinued” rumor they went for anywhere between £800-£1000 used… not much difference and still WAAY too high.

the revision will be cheaper apparently than what the original MK I went for new.

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TE are clearly doing their utmost to talk down the market - they are relying on eBay to harvest spare parts from stripped OP-1s.

This global OP-1 shortage is more acute than we realised.
BUY BUY BUY Randolph! Turn those screens back on. Turn those screens back on!


Yup- a lot of people who paid over -the-odds may be regretting in when the new hardware comes out soon offering a better version of the OP-1 for less money…maybe it will even have a battery that can be replaced!

That’s great news. Sold mine which was one of the first or second batches direct from TE and have regretted it since. Didn’t want to shell out for repairs and was hoping they’d make some sort of upgrade.

I have all these samplers, but still something so so nice about bringing the op-1 along to other places to compose on the go. It was my synth moleskine in a sense, will definitely purchase another when they start producing them more regularly.

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OP-1 forever :slight_smile:

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OP-2 ?
I like that name.

hah! brilliant.