Just wishes please, no discussions, keep it oversee-able and quick to read.
parameter slides in MIDI sequencer
tuning in segments of 0.xx instead of in steps of 0.2, so you can actually precisely tune your stuff, which you can’t right now.
pitch in -5/+5 (or so) octaves instead of -1/+1
Slice to transients (!) right now it’s impossible to neatly slice a shuffled groove without zoning in on every slice.
Slices to MIDI, for triggering with external gear/MIDI keyboard.
sample locked into pattern instead of just in part , i read the denial about this from elektron already, explaining that samples need to be p-locked if you want to changed it in a new pattern, or use parts, i get that, we all get that, but it would be a hell of a lot more handy if the sample was stored in the pattern instead. Switch pattern, samples also change - without the need for p-lock. Surely, it is a programming issue and not a hardware issue.
[Mod Edit: Thread closed, see foot of current thread and continue discussion on this similar thread ]
sorry, but i disagree with most of your requests, except ‘slice on transient’. this is a forum, so expect stuff to be discussed in excruciating detail.
specify? - i use live recording mode to record MIDI parameter changes in external gear, where is the problem? recording midi note lengths, now there’s a topic…
if you want finer tuning than that, patch a static LFO to your pitch parameter. i never had to, but some people do it all the time.
no. no. no. it sounds horrible 5 octaves up. and you can always use rate, if you want to pitch down that far!
yes, agreed.
NO! this is already possible. only depends on your controller and setup. search forum! (slots by Midi would be much nicer)
no, please don’t. p-locks are fine for this… your request would mean the slot list gets mangled everytime you change a pattern.
*Record pattern changes and crossfader movements to Arrangement.
-------like recording your performances in ableton-----
*Record Crossfader Movements to pattern.
*Wider chromatic transposition pitch range
*silce to tranisent
scale mode (wit the selection of scales, or it can use the one from the arp menu) for triggers, especialy in midi mode, whe triggers are too wide apart for being able to play musicaly…
I just want some way to play/preview an individual p-locked trig without playing the whole pattern.
Eg. If I want to change the pitch on step 8, I can just hold step 8 and hit X(whatever) button to hear that individual trig with its p-locked settings. Instead off having to wait for it to go round to hear it each time. (As mentioned Sample Trig Preview )
I find this extremely annoying with pitch and filter mods. I know there are workarounds but this activity (waiting, adjusting, waiting, adjusting x 10000), wastes more time than anything else I do on the OT. Maybe I’m missing some thing…
yes i understand that some of these are a matter of what one finds important, well, I want to be able to fine tune stuff, and I want to be able hear that right away, not with some LFO work around - I like the work arounds, creativity, but just getting a sample in tune should be more straight forward - so, right now you can tune in steps of 0.2 , why not make it 0.02 and when you press value pot it does 0.2 ----- > Allerian this is NOT in the manual, please show me where.
i hear you about pitching up so much must sound horrible, but it doesn’t on SCWF. And it might sound horrible, i still would like to have the option to go as high as i wanna go.
“6. no, please don’t. p-locks are fine for this… your request would mean the slot list gets mangled everytime you change a pattern.”
Thanks for bringing this one up - I hadn’t thought of the downsides of this idea (someone posted a petition about it as well)
There must be a reason why Elektron choose a structure of Pattern/parts
All that said, my main point is, we do need a bit of an update, and since the forum again got crowded with all sorts of “analogue” posts, i thought we could at least mention what we feel could be improved.
OF course with some thinking, everything is possible already - like someone said he wants delay and reverb possible in one track, which are now both “Effect 2” - you would need to sacrifice another track to get it done.
I want to emphasize one more time, that the Octa is tailored to pitch down - With rate you can go down in tempo, but not up. With pitch, you can only go up one octave. It’s not enough for the things I like to do. I can go down as much as I want, but I can’t go up, from the playback page.
For example use SCWF and have the sample spread over 88 keys , instead of 24, and use the octa as a synth.
The engine is there, why restrict it ? Maybe there’s some reason for it that I don’t know.
MIDI scenes: I mean the same functionality as the A4 on the MIDI sequencer - thus setting P-locked CC data and having smooth transitions between the different P-locked trigs by means of Parameter slides.
Yes, you can do a lot with LFOs, but it would a nice functionality.
Thanks for bringing this one up - I hadn’t thought of the downsides of this idea (someone posted a petition about it as well)
There must be a reason why Elektron choose a structure of Pattern/parts[/quote]
Memory / performance limitations most likely. Though I don’t know why they won’t / haven’t provided an option to allow the ability of Kit style sample arrangments, at the expense of Parts… the reality is Parts confuse some, are useless to others, and good for some.
I would imagine traditional Kits, with a lot more limitations then a Part, would be an easier concept/usage for most people to grasp.
Delay and Reverb are the two most processor intensive effects, no? Which basically translates to the OT doesn’t have enough horsepower in the engine to run a Delay/Reverb effects chain, definitely not across eight track simultenously.
MIDI scenes: I mean the same functionality as the A4 on the MIDI sequencer - thus setting P-locked CC data and having smooth transitions between the different P-locked trigs by means of Parameter slides.
Yes, you can do a lot with LFOs, but it would a nice functionality.[/quote]
Elektron have stated multiple times that this (Midi Scenes) are not possible and won’t be implemented.
Really they are scared about either the amount of processing the OT can handle, or the amount of midi data potentially being sent and causing midi chokes, hanging notes etc on the receiveng gear and screwing up your midi stream, still, where theres a will theres a way.
a sample start finetune parameter that scans ± 64 divisions or + 128 in between the existing coarse start points currently available… i need this so much longer samples are able to be accurately scanned for the perfect point without having to use the waveform editor.
± microtiming nudge for all trigs on the midimachines per track, like an offset to correct latency in the sound module/synth without having to copy and paste every trig.
"Elektron have stated multiple times that this (Midi Scenes) are not possible and won’t be implemented.
Really they are scared about either the amount of processing the OT can handle, or the amount of midi data potentially being sent and causing midi chokes, hanging notes etc on the receiveng gear and screwing up your midi stream, still, where theres a will theres a way."
i wasn’t suggesting MIDI scenes, i was merely suggesting that , since the OCTA can learn MIDI CC data control, and you can tweak that and P-lock that from the MIDI sequencer, AND you can use LFO on it, I would think it must be possible to handle at least some filter sweeps via MIDI.
LFO after all, also sends the same amount of MIDI data through the ports.
And an Atari with Cubase from 1987, can also send MIDI CC data over time and does’nt crash over 8 midi tracks with some CCed data going on… its not that much is it ?
A litmus test would be to p-lock continuous 16th notes/32nd notes for all 10 midi cc/pitch/velocity/chord/arp/aftertouch/lfo parameters on all 8 midi tracks to 8 different external devices at a high bpm and see if it falls over. A midi scene change could send hardly more data than that.
Another feature I would like is a additional bank of 128 static sample slots per project, instantly swappable with bank “A”, or if not that, then at least double the static sample slots to 256.