The Octatrack may seem daunting, and for the most part it is. A month ago, I thought it was un-masterable. Now I’ve gotten to where everything is second nature. Keep grinding! That said, I think there is some room for simplification or further refinement in the O.S.
to be honest i think it would be much more powerful to have the option of dealing with scale and loop in real time by using a key combo to open another set of encoder functions . whether the architecture can handle this or not, I don’t know but if it can’t and if elektron ever do make a MKII this kind of sequencer functionality would be very cool…
this is loosely based on my ableton controller set up. together with legato pattern switching and slice to transient (and relevant groove file extraction) are the things i miss most and that would propel the OT into another league in terms of live improv performance.
encoder 1
press to set start point as pattern is playing or turn to set when it isn’t
encoder 2
press to set end as pattern is playing or turn etc…
encoder 3
loop scrub in real time. press to reverse playback direction
encoder 4
press to select current track for scale, loop etc functions.
encoder 5
press to apply scale/loop globally. turn to set master length
encoder 6
perhaps a toggle for selecting whether current settings transfer to next selected pattern or resets on pattern change ?
the start and end points could also be shown by green led for start and red for end in this mode…
One of the issues I have with changing to independent track lengths (all my patterns are set this way), is that you must then change the master length to INF. It’s the manner of doing this I struggle with as I am used to doing everything while playing BUT the control is always live so it often gets out of time.
I’d like to have it so that as soon as I set the lengths per track, this INF change was done automatically. Better still, let me assume all my patterns in all new projects are independent length and INF.
Seems like you could put these settings into your master template (assuming you work this way) and save them. Then it would be set up the way you want at the start of each new project.
Just an idea but if you don’t like the defaults set up a new project and call it template. Make all the changes you want such as track 8 master, midi & clock send enabled, per track timings then save it. Every time you want a new track open the template and select save as new from the project menu.
I didn’t, thanks, should probably have guessed or given it a try.
I did once spend ages setting up three or four different master templates for projects, painstakingly copying all my settings over every bank. Almost immediately afterwards I had some kind of revelation and started using the Octatrack differently, never touching half of them again. Reckon the OT manager software, when it comes, would be a real boost for me. I seem to spend as much time button-pushing and setting up as I do playing.
Mind you, I’ve finally given up trying to use the OT as a looper. I bought a Roland RC-505 and, even while synced to MIDI clock, it just works. Ludicrously simple of course but it overdubs, has independent track lengths… within 10 mins I was using it, no need of the manual. Funnily enough, someone just offered to swap my OT for an A4…