New PUSH 3 MPE, Standalone option...out now!

Proper glad I just offloaded my push 2 before the used prices tank… whilst I applaud Ableton for coming up with what looks on paper to be an amazing bit of kit, I don’t see me getting push 3 anytime soon…

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It has a clip view screen, pads to launch and real knobs to mix- what are you missing? See around 18 minutes in


I was looking at the Force for a while and that is indeed a better fit if you like to use some kind of ‘arranger’ but still its way to easy for me to grab the laptop… I don’t really mind as I am not performing with it, nor with that kind of hardware. Still curious to see where Push 3 will take us.

No manual posted yet correct? I need to see a MIDI implementation chart before even considering this. It could be an awesome live looping hub but I would need some functions midi controlled by foot. I wonder if it has midi learn?

Interesting to see how and in what sense.


Manual is online here:


Cenk worked on it! Pretty cool.


4kg! :sweat:

And where do I find 2k€? :sweat_smile:


Not sure I understand if any version of Ableton is included with the cost of the standalone version

I’m not into Ableton but when I heard standalone I was like oeeee this could be interesting.
I’m still not convinced though. At this point I’m still going for the Reliq. :slight_smile:

Just read this: ‘Out of the box, the standalone Push 3 contains a customised Intel NUC Compute Element, a credit-card-sized component that combines a processor, RAM and WiFi.’

The NUC board will possibly have RAM options.

Very heavy and big. Keeping Deluge and rock my Push2 w/comp. At least for now. Great job Ableton!

This is probably not applicable to the Push 3 directly, but it’s worth noting that these days by using Yabridge for example, I can run most (not all, to be sure) Windows VSTs of various vintages on Linux really well. Whether a solution like that would work for the Push 3 is probably moot in any case.

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Hang in there! For that price it comes with the instruments and content of Live Intro only?!??

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Look at me go :smiley:


And three years later the answer is…

Yeah, I think that even if you’re used to something else, this is worth just learning a different workflow for.

Not sure if there’s anything you actually can’t do with this? Especially if you consider learning M4L, you can just make exactly what you want and have that in hardware form. With MPE. It’s like a Linnstrument integrated into Ableton like someone said before.
Not to mention all the synths, filter emulations, granular synthesis etc. etc.

To get that for 2k is just… I think the price is very, very fair. Plus being able to upgrade it. All those questions about why the perfect X isn’t out yet, well I think this is it.

I can recommend anyone that isn’t really into using M4L to check it out here to get a perspective of what is possible to do with M4L in Push 3.


How does this not kill every mpc (notably the Force), the blackbox, the deluge, everything?

Also this is huge for m4l

I’ve been asking for ableton stock fx in standalone forever. This is shocking to me. Still reeling

@circuitghost didn’t mean to single you out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: it was just the first search result I saw


Ableton, in a BOX!