Need to downsize & upgrade my studio... need advice!

I found myself very productive with just 2 machines, one drum machine/sampler and one synth, or 2 synths.

When I work with more than 2 machines I found myself less productive.

I also think that computers, iPad, tons of plug-ins/software can be a limit to productivity.

You will be end up using each item at 5%/10% of its capability because you will not know each machine very well.

Less is more.

The best electronic music has been made with minimal equipment.


Simple test: Does it spark joy in you?


I went through this earlier this year, sold most of my stuff I didnt use, bought an iPad Air and the best apps I could find, and in the last couple of months I have been more productive than in the last 10 years. With my iPad and korg nanokontrol I can make tracks whenever and wherever I want, the plan is to set up a very small studio for editing, mixing etc with only one synth and a drum machine which I can use to add to the iPad ideas or maybe an analog heat to use with iPad. Still not decided on this yet.


My ”saviour” has been the MPC Live.

Having a great (and somewhat portable) central hub and sequencer has made my music making much more enjoyable and I feel like I don’t need as much clutter and other gear anymore. I do everything in the Live and if I like what I’m hearing, I hook it up to the rest of my setup and try to find the best possible sounds for the track I’ve made. All the bare bones work is done in one box.


Your a ‘minimalist at heart’ with all that stuff. Am i missing something?


My advice - sell this to me instead!

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Sell everything except 1 machine and 1 computer

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I’d say if you’re going to go minimal, really go minimal – don’t half-ass it. Commit to the concept and see how it works for you. Box everything up (take photos first), and stick it in the corner. That way, if you decide to sell it, you can just make a listing. You don’t have to pull it out off the box and get all sweaty, second-guessing whether you would keep it.

I’ve been having fun with just an Octatrack lately, which is making me seriously consider shrinking down to that and one synth. That one synth may end up being a biggie (OB-6 or similar… SYNTRX??), But that more than enough for me. Damn, now my brain is starting to get going on this concept… Good luck to you.


simple solid and effective advice there.

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This is kind of what I’m doing, lxr into Audio interface into iPad running AUM, drambo etc. Just want to add a hardware synth. Will gets lots of mileage out of that.

My advice: focus on music and aesthetic concepts. Maybe better lock instruments away instead of selling them. Selling can be a Form of procrastination. Just sit down with one Elektron box and make music. Move on to another set up when you finished a project.


What did you do with your Elektrons?

Did Live replace the OT? What do you like about it more?

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I sold my A4 a few years ago and just sold my digitakt. Was looking at maybe model cycles class compliant with the iPad, would have been a great portable set up but due to the reported issues with audio dropouts I’ve shelved this idea for the time being.

Basically the Live replaced my QY-700 which replaced my Octatrack.

As I’m more of a song/melody guy I’ve always felt a bit restricted by the 64 step limit of the otherwise amazing Elektron sequencer. The possibility to do my sequences as lenghty as I need them to be and the somehow looser workflow suits me better as well. Recording live and then fixing the recording in the piano roll is great.

The real benefits of MPC Live come in the form of three different built in synths, amazing sounding effects, basically unlimited amount of tracks instead of eight, and the ability to install an SSD inside the machine to name just a few. I personally also love the possibility of using the Live just as a controller for the software and continuing my work there with all my great plugins etc.

The portability/battery operation is obviously a huge plus too.

I do miss the Octatrack scenes though and it’s ability to work as a hub for my synths.


Like others are suggesting, I’d say pick a couple main pieces - a mixer, the Digitone, an effects box, I’d probably say the Digitakt since you seem to like that workflow.

Put everything else away and out of site, under a blanket if you must. Set up what you have and plan to work with just that for a few weeks, maybe a couple months, and see what happens.

I’d also say you can silo your gear, and have different connected pieces for different things. I have a few pieces myself after trying to slim down, and my plan is to make a couple groups that I like working with together (so in my case the DN+A4, then the OT+Nord Mod+MD) and keep them as sort of self contained systems.

I don’t think I want to sell anything, I just need help focusing and I can’t do that when I’m looking st too many options, so I think that may be an option for you to explore too.


I was doing this having a live rig, a jamming rig and a production rig, but my place is now very small and my financial situation is sh*t. I can have the main one that’s Elektrons only and only via Overbridge (so no OT) into my iMac, and another one that uses the MOTU interface for everything else into my MacBook. I’ll just have to come up with a way of putting together the latter one as my desk is not that big and my apartment is also tiny. Maybe come up with a flight case arrangement for the second setup where I can easily tuck it away when not in use.

Good point. I’m a semi-hoarder who functions better under minimalism. I’ve been slowly de-cluttering for the past 2 years so I’m slowing getting to the actually being a semi-minimalist, but not quite there yet. This whole music thing has also taught me things about myself that go beyond music - things about what type of workflows in general do i gravitate towards, time management, concentration, methods of learning, dealing with self doubt, etc.

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No room on my bookshelf unfortunately

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@fukinay, give me everything without asterisk, I’ll help you to forget it. :content: