MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 1)

Thanks - yeah, I have done this search before and watched most of the results… my question was not well phrased perhaps.

What I am wondering is whether any ‘techno’ artists use the MPC as the hub of their setup consistently, and whether anyone can drop me any links.

So for example a number of my fav artists (headless horseman, mr dataline) seem to use a lot of elektron gear (with OT at the centre), but I can’t find many in a similar style that use the MPC. In other genres the MPC is everywhere, but not in techno… just wondering if I am missing something/someone. I find it good for inspiration watching people use my gear much better than me (but more so if it is in the style I want to create!)


Mr G does slamming house sets with his so techno shouldn’t be a problem


To be honest, I don’t know the difference between different genres but here’s something I whipped up in a playful hour. I’m going to try to turn this into a fuller song next week, but right now it’s just an embryo. Techno? Probably not. But something that can prove that it’s possible? You tell me. :blush:

Edit: I made this mainly to experiment with the randomization/humanize and probability features of the drums, but then I added some swing and bass and quickly got into the groove. If you pay close attention, you can probably hear some of the randomization, such as panning of the shaker, probability of the clap, etc.


I’m interested in people using it for basically anything other than hip-hop too. Although hip-hop is largely my wheelhouse, I get a lot more from seeing alternative approaches to those I already know.

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These current MPC’s are total blank canvases, I think you can use them for anything you want.

I think the Roland 16-step sequencer lends itself better to Techno because that seq format pretty much is techno. Having the quick visibility of where you’re kick, snare and hats are is better on the Roland approach.

But, Note Repeat on the MPC is great for playing Techno, and I think I’m one of the few here who actually likes the MPC Step Seq.

THE biggest difference to me, and what makes the MPC hard to beat, is it’s playability.
If you are comfortable/happy/prefer physically playing your beats/music in, then you’ll get on with the MPC.
Hi hats and Perf for example, I usually hear the patterns I want in my head, and it’s way quicker for me to play it in, maybe with an edit or two, than it is me work out how it translates/looks in 1-32 steps.

And, it’s probably more House than Techno, and it’s old and an older MPC, but I never tire of this Mr G set… just an MPC2000 and a Mackie mixer. Blows my mind a bit.


I’m not remotely a house guy but this is incredible

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I sometimes dabble with it. It has nice distortion, overdrive effects, compressors. It can sound “drivey” and get to the dark side quite quickly.

Ah, and the drum synth is in fact very cool and versatile if you want synthetic drums.

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Not aiming for a sale here but my latest EP is sort of post dubstep and made only on the Mpc Live in standalone mode.


Excellent! Looking forward to taking a listen as soon as I’m back on something better than a phone speaker!

Good interview with Mr G here where he mentions the Boileroom set and his use of the MPC


Throw back Sunday:

heeey Clark, in my opinion the mpc is ideal for techno and I think the step sequencer is great especially if you like to put your hands on a step sequencer in a tactile way because of the beefy pads. Plus it’s flexible in that you could use the pads or you could use the touch screen and with 16 pads per bank all of the xox muscle memory stuff still applies, I think the fact that you don’t see as many folk doing techno on an mpc is just like not seeing many folk doing hiphop on elecktron boxes but there are a lot more than what it looks like imo… actually I think there were even more people doing house and techno back in the day on older machines than the current models because there weren’t as many beat machines out as now and choices for a beat machine with many outputs weren’t so many… the mpc with it’s 8 output capability was very popular in many forms of electronic music out side of hiphop.

where I really think the biggest difference comes in is in the immediacy of the happy accidents which is what I love about the elektron workflow, the mpcs are much more deliberate but extremely powerful and imo and would serve you well, you can get some happy accidents out of them too but the methods just aren’t on the surface like with the elektron boxes, anyways if I come across any clips worth posting up I’ll tag you


Thanks-that’s a really good summary and I think you are spot on re. Happy accidents. That’s a good shout

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More housey than techno. But worth a watch:

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Well worth the watch

Also more on the house side but Ricky Tinez has a lot of videos using MPC’s for non-hip hop music.


What’s new in 2.11 SuperBooth 2022 Sneak Peek with Andy and SonicState:


Whoa! Can’t wait to jump in and check it out

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Dammit, I saw Andy walking round… if I’d have known there was a room like this I’d have grabbed him!
Looks cool this too.

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