Modest OT feature requests

On the RYTM, the “KIT RELOAD ON CHG” option is extremely powerful. Would be fantastic to have it on the Octatrack for Parts when changing from Bank… (PART RELOAD ON CHG?) thank you

Conditional micro-timing. Is this even possible?

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Scala file / mictrotonal compatibly for the Midi seq would be amazing

You can alternate 2 conditional trigs with 2 different microtiming. X% followed by /PRE for instance.

If you want more, you can use overlapping slices, with different start points. Longer to setup, but it can be used later…

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Is this in the manual?

I don’t think so…
I added this :
Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips) - #285 by sezare56
And read this and below…
Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips) - #213 by jb

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Thank you, I need to write this down so I don’t forget.

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Would it be possible to modify Midi cc naming conventions and adding range values for them? Instead of going 1-127 in values of one subdividing the whole range in separate partitions ? So in values of two it would be 1-64, and 65 to 127. Values of three would be 1-42,42-84,85-127 values of four would 1-32,33-66,67-99,100-127 etc?

Is there any way to use the octatrack as a pseudo aux? I am feeding a signal via inputs A and B in the octatrack(Sent from a console’s group out). I would like to send it to an fx chain and listen to it exclusively via inputs C and D without necessarily monitoring inputs A and B through the octatrack’s main outs.

You can use CUE OUTPUTS.

So whats up with not having sine wave LFO’s on the octatrack?

As @PeterHanes would say… previously on elektronauts

No LFO Sin Wav? - #21 by Microtribe

Make them yourself.

Calculated lfo designer values :
No LFO Sin Wav? - #24 by tnussb

Could Elektronauts get tighter integration when using the arranger in Octatrack with other ELEKTRON Boxes ?

The Pattern length workflow could use a review.

For example If I want an 8/16 pattern length on pattern 1 on both boxes.

I have to set both pattern 1 lengths on both machines to 8/16 in order for them to change correctly from the default 16/16 step.If the set pattern length on the arrangement window to is set to 00-08 instead of 00-16, the non-Octatrack box does not change pattern at that step and the playback continues out of sync with the Octatrack arrangement programming.

I would also like to be able to activate FILL MODE on both machines with just one push of a button instead of having to activate FILL MODE on each machines at once (Am I missing something with this?)

Are there an equivalent to DIGITONE’s mute modes in the OCTATRACK?

PART recall across different projects would be great.

The ability to interchange BANKS would also be amazing
Using the crossfader with other electron boxes would also be great.

Beggars can’t be choosers here.

1 - being able to affect velocity when using an external midi device. Easier to make a sequence organic that way.

2 - lfo fade/delay

3 - I see an empty slot on the amp page, hehe. Could we maybe please either have the drive or Bitrate reduction from the Digitakt? Both sounds significantly better than the lofi effect found in OT in my opinion. The overdrive (distortion) in the filter effect is at least more usable than the one in lofi. But the one on DT and DN (The same?) sounds better imo.

4 - sine wave for the lfo. But can be made in lfo designer as shown in an earlier post. But just seems silly to take up a slot for such a basic waveshape. Might not be normal to have in every synth, but when we have all the other basic ones plus some, then why leave out the sine?

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All I would really like is fill via midi. There’s an empty note next to start sequencer in the default mapping I wanna say G2 or G#2? If I could send that not out of my MC6 while playing guitar to activate fills it would be so nice.

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Used by XVOL (press a scene to see it)

Btw there is an empty slot in LOFI. At least I’d like the LOFI setup Phase parameter to be there…the AM lfo seems to be a sine.

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Aarh okay :slight_smile:

Being able to sample softsynths in key/chords like the MPC units can.

You can. LFO to velocity.

You can. Use an LFO to mod the depth of another one. Ramp up shape synced to trig will fade in the other LFO.

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I just chain patterns for more steps and do live record mode myself.

I’d like to see if possible the ability to speed up the sample playback and give you a higher rate of playback for using the crossfader with the forward and backward playback knob. You could have normal speed forward at about quarter the way right and full high speed at the far right and same for the backward it can go slow backward quarter way and faster all the way left and of course slow to 0 at dead center.