Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)


On a MkII Fn + Midi opens Midi Sync menu and Fn + Parts opens… Parts menu.
Fn + Rec 3 opens a menu where you can save the buffer recording or open the Audio Editor.

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Yep I meant MKI obviously.

Sorry that was not obvious :wink: especially for someone who never tried an MKI.

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It was obviously adressed to MKI users. :content:

FN + Reload Part :wink:

Tip to alternate randomly 2 trigs with different value(s) :

Trig 1, p-locked value(s) A, trig condition X%
Trig 2, p-locked value(s) B, trig condition /PRE, microtiming -23/384 (very close to trig 1).

Values can be similar, and microtiming set differently, in order to make a little groove variation.

Also possible to use a trigless with different trig condition for trig 1, so that /PRE plays an inverted trig condition (usefull with A:B conditions).

(Sorry if it’s already in the topic, didn’t find it).


I use this ALOT with midi triggers sequencing the Machinedrum.


Yep. This is best means to humanize an Elektron beat.


Alas these are just different modes of the major scale (still precious to know) but not different scales.
I guess they could easily implement new scales through a firmware update (even just the most common like the minor harmonic scale).

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It just dawned on me that I can make notes in the arranger even if I don’t plan on using the arranger at all. Tonight I added a reminder of what external machine the midi tracks were sequencing for example.


Good to remind it! :content:

Ricky Tinez posted this nice tip today about slicing in the OT…


This ones a keeper. Cheers. I hate slice mode as its soooo slow.

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Yes, faster to create slices with Create Slice Grid function.

I’ll add you can apply this grid after you made a TRIM selection, looping correctly, in order to make even more precise grid from a non-synced recording…

I’d rather count beats, apply grid, then delete slices I don’t want, eventually add more!

If there is no more space, you can insert slices reducing one slice length with END, move the Level cursor to the empty area > ADD SLICE.

Pretty fast with accurate loops! :content:
No automatic transients search yes, but if there’s nothing sinced, I prefer to choose / create slices myself, as I usually do on audio editors…


I guess nothings perfect. If you could set the desired number of slices to grid(any number)… perfect. But going up in large steps makes this method a bit innacurate. He counted 11 transients but had to use 12 slices for instance.

Seems logical, the lower choice being 8. Better to have more slices.

As I said, for recordings of music I understand rytmically (:content:), I prefer to count beats, in order to match grid and tempo, rather than transients, which depends on music content, which slices you want to use.

Delete unused sliced, or not, because it can be handy to know which step corresponds to the slice. Slices can have different length, overlap.

But that depends on the samples? What about irregular compositions.

Definitely. I was editing my post before seeing yours. In Ricky’s video example, it’s possible to count beats. For non rhythmical things, well, you can also count approximately how many slices you want. In that case, I usually set them one by one with preview, but I think counting them and create an approximate grid after counting is a good tip anyway!

There is also an added benefit as it improves your learning. Especially in difficult pieces with awkward rhythmic compositions like Jazz. You get to understand things like groove better.

Are not always step sequencers friends! :content:
IIRC machting transients/slices/groove with automatic microtiming is already a feature request. :wink:

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