Model:Cycles Q & A with Ess

and if M Out is enabled per track you can sweep the encoder manually, but no internal LFO routing is going to appear out - it’s just the manual encoder movement for e.g. LFO speed that will appear at the output

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Ok thanks…midi note, gate and velocity I guess…or just midi note number?

the velocity is part of the standard note on message, so it’s there - I wasn’t aware that manufacturers only sent the one data byte but maybe that’s possible, never seen it though

you can’t filter notes from encoders though as the bigger boxes do - it’s all out on none out, so tweaking encoders whilst external sequencing may pose problems if those manually-twisted CCs can’t be filtered at the other end

@Ess from what you know about the time and resources that are involved in making one of these boxes, is there any possibility of a super-scaled-down Model format version of the synthesis side of the Analog Rytm, or is implementing analog voice components too infeasible/impractical at that scale?

I was wondering if you could share the screen manufacturer/part number (as you did with the CPU)? Also, does it (the screen) speak I2C?

(In case I want to void my warrantee and stick an OLED screen in there, it would help with compatibility…)


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

Just moved a handful of posts/discussion to the feature requests thread.

This thread is not for feature requests.

Like Ess said:

Titled edited to denote that this isn’t a general request/discussion thread.


Is coronavirus going to impact production of model cycles?

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Any idea when M:C second batch will be ready? Gotta capitalise on the current hype :wink:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic

A post was merged into an existing topic: Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

@Ess Are there Plans for a Cycles Drum Soundpack for all samplebased Elektron Machines?

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NUDGE question.

When NUDGE is set to 23/-23, does that fully nudge it into the next step? Or is it slightly off?

I’ve been using NUDGE with the FILL condition. I’m probably imagining it, but it sounds like the step is slightly off.

If it doesn’t fully move it to the next step, it should. That would let you have some interesting possibilities with trig conditions. And if there’s a conflict, and two or three steps evaluate to true, it should be the left-most step that triggers.
Sorry if that turned into a feature request.


With TRCs this could be powerful for a few use cases, but it’s probably restricted to avoid the confusion of overlapping neighbouring quantized trigs and a few other conceptual headaches. Would be nice if doable


That microtiming picture definitely clears it up, thanks.

Yeah, that’s fine for most uses, but at slower tempos, it sounds very slightly off. There are tricks to get around this, but it’d be nice to have at the same exact step.

But yeah, it would be tricky to handle the midi for that. On the unit itself though, you just do a priority selection with the left-most or right-most step getting the most priority. Doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.

hey @Ess is there any way to watch your FM workshop? I missed the live stream!

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How about envelope macros? First half of values are instant attack with progressively longer decay, second half are introducing attack with both progressively longer attack and decay. 127 types of “preset” envelopes might be a good compromise?


interesting approach - but if you ctrl all your decays and suddenly get attack happening it would be potentially undesired - i think having variations of machine types could be an option with no backwards compatibility issues - so add a ToneAttack m/c or a ChordA m/c with sensible ‘presets’ as discussed above, so that you have the option to keep attack(or lack of) where it is desired


The dual LP/HP filter on the M:S potentially has the same issue but I think it’s just part of the experimental nature of control all. I could live with it!