MDEdit : MachineDrum Editor and Librarian


MDEdit is a cross-platform OSX/Windows software Editor and Librarian for the Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1

Standalone: MDEdit communicates over Midi with your Machinedrum as a standalone application; or can be used entirely offline as you wish.


MDEdit contains nine (9) modules:

  • Sequencer: Core Sequencer module.
  • Song: Module for Song management etc.
  • Samples: Sample management module for UW users.
  • Global: Manage all aspects of Global configurations.
  • Options: Hybrid options and Support module to control all options available; and provide Support logs.
  • Audio Finder: Dedicated Audio Finder / browser with some nifty tricks.
  • Library: Essentially a preset manager on steroids. Save virtually anything, and reuse anywhere.
  • Analytics: To assist with building and understanding the Chain being modified.

Main Modules / Sub-Modules

  • Main Modules: Sequencer, Samples, Song, Global, Options are displayed in the main window.
  • Sub Modules: Audio Finder, Library and Analytics are sub-modules displayed as either a dock able side panel; or as pop-out


Full access to every single element of the Machinedrum; MDEdit provides access to, and ability to modify everything within the Machinedrum.

Sequencer module exposing every element of the Machinedrum including flexible Trig Editor, Settings Editor and Step Editor; as well as powerful Actions and Step Actions forms with a wealth of functionality.

Song module for editing Machinedrum Songs.

A fully featured Audio Finder module with full integration and drag/drop functionality with the Samples module.

Library to store presets of virtually any aspect of the Machinedrum, from Global settings to Machine configurations to Patterns which can be used in any Kit/Pattern/Song/Global and shared with other users.

A powerful Analytics module to provide detailed information.

Options and Support modules.

What else?

More news soon… feel free to ask any questions etc.

Caveat: Subject to change(s)

Cost? tbd

Supported OS? OSX / Windows. All flavours so far.

Supported Machinedrum OS? All development / core testing has been performed on the latest OSv1.63

Supported Machinedrums?

All development / core testing has been performed with a MkII UW+ as that is what I own.

MDEdit should support all Machinedrum versions, with the obvious limitations about what is / is not possible on the older MkI’s (e.g. only 32 steps) or not possible on the non-UW models (i.e. Ram/Rom machines / samples)


Release date TBD. ETA Q4.

MDEdit has been in a fully working Beta state for quite a while, more then nine months, and certain cats have already seen it. I have just been holding it back till OctaEdit v2 is released.

Depends on how many Release Candidates are required, which will depend on user feedback, any bugs, change requests, feature requests etc. Will be rolling out [ OSX | OSX Legacy | Windows ] in that order.

Early Access / Mailing List:

I will look at releasing in two stages [ OSX Standalone | Windows Standalone ]

If you are interested on the basis of OSX standalone; then sign up for the Early Access mailing list

I will be using that to justify whether to move forward / get sign off from the boss.

If there is enough interest, then I will organise something a bit more formal (either just Early Access or a campaign or something); if not, c’est la vie.


Setup a Facebook page.

Sequencer Module:

Global Module:


  • Logo subject to change obviously for some reason :thinking:

  • Standalone: Can operate entirely independently without a Machinedrum if you really want to.

  • VST/AU: No. Unfortunately limitations exist within the VST/AU/Plugin world, which make it unfeasible.

  • Linux / AAX ? No and no.


Looks cool and interesting. I have an MKII UW without the + drive. Could the library function as a way of “project” control over the machine?


Yes. Sounds like a job for the Library Module :wink:

You can Copy / Paste / Save to Library / Load from Library virtually anything.


Awesome!! :slight_smile:

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Oh my. What a nice idea!

MMEdit would be pretty cool as well, dealing with the Kits has been a nightmare for me from day 1 :smiley:

@switchbox has quite some competition now!

I’m in for beta testing (MacOS 10.14.16, MD mk2 UW+ and TM-1). PM me if you’re ok.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner.


Faaantaastic news!
Does it have function to randomize? I guess the dice button does that.
I have a few live shows in November and December. Was thinking what to use… now i know im gonna use MD along with OT.

Snap. Yes, you can randomise anything / everything…

Individual parameter? Just the Synthesis or Routing? Just a track? Kit? Pattern? Yes to all.


The Dice in the Sequencer group is Pattern / Track. So that provides Randomise Pattern or Selected Track, within Step Range or not; processing all, odd or even steps.

Each parameter can be randomised individually e.g. Synthesis Start or Routing Pan

Groups can be randomised, e.g. [ Synthesis ] or [ LFO ] therefore randomizing all the parameters.

etc, etc.


Wwhhaattt??? This is a better reality


This. Looks. Awesome.

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Wish I still had my MD!!!

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Exciting times !

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Offering beta test assistance if you need it for:

Windows 10

actually a bit more excited for this than the Octaedit, but its close.

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Will definitely buy this one!

(3nd ooctohedit, of course:)

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You’ve been busy.


Been a very naughty boy.

Yup, I can beta test too! UW+ MKII, Mojave, 2015ish trash can Mac Pro.

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At some point I’m expecting you to announce an entire sound engine and full daw integration so that there’s no need for hardware ( octatrack and machinedrum )


@re5et: No comment.


Looks great, nice one and a lot of hard work and thinking has gone into this. Instanta buy.
Any functions from the midi command or similar midi command ideas coming over?
Chromatic and so on?

happy to do beta for MD sp1 mk1 mac osx mojave /or win 10.