Introducing Syntakt

I suppose it’s testament to the awesomeness of Elektron that people (including me) can be genuinely optimistic that they’ll release the Ultimate Music Machine and it’ll be portable and only $1000. That’s pretty wild when you think about it.

I kind of wonder if it is going to eventually see a compressor, I know if you mix well you might not really need it but I always found it helpful for live jamming a device, especially with control all you might find yourself getting some big volume drops that a compressor might mitigate. I know you can do pseudo compressor stuff with the FX on syntakt but that’s more programing in ducking to my understanding. What are people thinking that have it?

The fx track is too valuable for other duties to use it for pseudo bus compression IMO. Having a dirt bus and a clean bus is so useful in a box like this


Thanks, yeah, if you say so :slight_smile:

(googling that joe fellow now)

This sounds SO good. Did you do any processing/mastering on this track?

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Thank you <3

Yes, this one went through my SSL stuff. No software, straight through the Fusion, into the SiX and the g-bus compressor and then record to my Zoom.

The Syntakt responds extremely well to my modest mastering kit. While the Fusion and SiX together really bring out a mix, I’ve never had a kit that just gels with this rig so well. The converters going out from the Syntakt must be pretty spectacular.


To get the presets back, you will have to do a factory reset.
Of course you might want to save your projects and Sounds before doing so, in case they get erased.


Yes. And not only this, but you can set trigs on the FX track to trig the amp and the filter envelopes.


Or use the two LFOs on the FX track to modulate any parameters of the delay, reverb or filter. Good fun!
The notch filter can provide some nice phaser type sounds and modulating the delay time just a tiny bit makes it nice and shimmery.


nice unit. so after reading and listening to sound examples it looks like pimped up machinedrum. i am obviously oversimplifying but to me it is how i see it. or am i missing something?

i guess its the sampling of the UW machines that are missing… but maybe theres a possibility of a future UW update since syntakt seems to have a 1gb +drive just sitting there…

maybe a granular sample engine as well… dang that would fly this machine to the moon!


Oh? That’s interesting…

I know wiser people than me will say we buy the machine for what it does now …. But UW / Granular would be awesome and make the price level more logical … past experience with elektron post launch surprises has me hoping

+The quasi physical modelled sounds are very interesting; this machine could be a superb rhythmic timbre box


It’ll be interesting when someone opens it up bc I’ve seen alternate ideas posited about the memory.
Has anyone confirmed a 1gb drive yet?

Certainly one elektron engineer when asked how much memory replied “not a lot”.

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I’ve been reading a lot of FM material lately and been wondering how to make an algorithm with a granular-like modulator algorithm.
I wonder if the ST has an algo that could pull that off?

edit: WARNING. No one should ever get into reading FM theory/application texts.



:joy: back when I was 16 or whatever and decided a FS1r would make a great first piece of hardware (what a dip shit I was!) I tried to do exactly that and understand FM. A gigantic nope.

Resorting to mass aimless knob tweaking worked far better!


I just face palmed.
Imagine if the DN or Korg Op 6 was around back then.


I see that the audio input level is a modulation destination for the FX track LFO. Can this be used to create a good sidechaining effect for stereo audio routed through the inputs?