How hot does your Syntakt get?

This inevitable leads to the >infinite monkey theorem< , which states, that a monkey hitting keys at random on a Syntakt for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given patterns, such as the complex works of Aphex Twin.

I`ve watched and really liked your video about the ST, it is particularly well done!

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My Xenyx heats up too and I was surprised by that.

Are there vents on the bottom?

Nope, i will probably invest in a stand to get some more airflow

Me neither. It does get warm but so far I’ve not been too concerned. Maybe I’m just used to using my old i9 Macbook on lap, which got much warmer!

I’ve got mine mounted by the vesa mount and it doesn’t get very hot at all … although it’s winter here so any heat is welcome!

Gets pretty warm. Had it running for like 8h and it was warm to the touch but not warmer as any other black analog drum machine with a metal casing that stands in the sun

Perfect temperature for eggs.

Or minced beef


I’m also concered about the temperature. I have a lot of analog hardware and yet Syntakt is the hotest piece in the studio. I understand that it could be power hungry, but maybe the chassis should have some opened grill or something that would allow air to flow?

Somebody already mentioned this, but propping it up with a cheap laptop stand makes it WAY cooler, I’m actually surprised it makes so much of a difference. I mean, I haven’t measured it, but it may very well be 8 or 10 degrees °C cooler.
Makes sense, it heats up from the bottom after all, so flat on a table heat has nowhere to go and builds up.


you won the internet today! congratulations :smiley:

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I presume the ‘temperature’ of the device in not long use of it comparing say to my digitone much…much cooler if not hot at all… is personally ‘not good’ as it really make me concerne about the device component longevity? Is Elektron already aware? really hope for a software fix, meantime I did order a laptop cooler with big fan as I don’t like the way it goes so hot

It gets tested in a worst-case real-world testing procedure, they are not concerned enough to add vents. There are no surprises here, nor should you hold your breath for any software updates. Record breaking temperatures around the world can’t be helping … these tests may need to be upped somewhat

‘normal…’ which means operating in the Antartica at the moment :smile:

Nowhere near as hot as any intel laptop gets.


Please be photoshopped


You can’t fake that level of culinary skill.

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It gets pretty hot.

That’s because one of those devices is digital and one is analog.

Folks, analog gear gets hot!

I have a filter in my eurorack case that can generate enough heat to keep me warm on it’s own, and that’s 1 filter!

You’d be better comparing it to analog gear, like an Analog Heat, which also gets hot, or an analog mixer, etc.

It feels very warm but that’s also because it has a metal enclosure which I presume aids in heat dissipation.

I doubt it gets anyware near as hot as the processor in an overclocked gaming PC.

It certainly doesn’t get as hot as my Xbox Series S in standby mode :rofl: