The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

Hi Syntakos,

when using the modifier Buttons (track 13-16) I want them to modify the track I am in which is triggered by an external Midi Keyboard.

Just an example I set Mod A to modify Delay Send.

I hold the Modifier Button down without triggering. Then I play my velocity sensitive Midi Keyboard and apply different amounts of Delay. That would be sooo great and fun.

Cheers (:


Would be even better with an option for glide or portamento between the modifiers. Emulating kind of the octatrack slider! :smiley:

I wish there was a way to morph presets or stack presets on top of each other. Digitone has option where you can stack all 4 tracks on top of each other and make a nice sound, but I’d love some sort of option, even if it’s just 2 presets and record it to a track.

I think sometimes the 8 parameters per machine isn’t enough under the syn section, technically 6 since every machine has tune and overdrive… I mean it’s definitely enough to some degree for many sounds but if we had the option to stack presets with 2 or more, then we could open a can of awesome!

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I wish my syntakt would cook for me, deal with my phone calls/ emails, and listen to my problems.


Just an fyi in case you didn’t know on that front, you can copy and paste the keyboard settings on the DN with func copy while you’re on that page, makes changing it for the other 3 tracks a lot faster!

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Mine cooks perfectly.
How hot does your Syntakt get? - #50 by sezare56


Great unit this one! — after a few days in use I have stumbled over a few issues;

• Portamento, slides, ties — essential. (yes the ‘bend’ function is there but it’s not the same thing).
• Visual (graphic) keyboard sequence programming in the display as in Digitone etcetera. Much more convenient.
• In step mode you can’t really see which steps are active or which notes are written, while programming (or have I missed something?) — which makes pattern step programming uncomfortable.


I don’t know if this is a feature request or a bug report, but I wish that when you turned the filter type all the way to the left that it turned off, and showed the dashed lines like the DT and DN do.

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I have some trouble with the dual-purpose/“overloaded” shortcuts like FUNC-TRACK. I’m not accustomed to the quickness/alacrity with which I must hit the TRACK button to switch in/out of keyboard input mode (and back/forth from track mode). It seems to really be quite a quick tap, and I might just be a more slow and plodding person. 5-out-of-6 times I’ll bring up the keyboard display instead, unintentionally, and then must fight to get out of it.

Maybe a personalization option / feature could be implemented like ‘shortcuts for turtles’ or ‘time before button hold/held’, that lets me change how long certain ‘quick tap vs. hold’ shortcuts timers are. Perhaps this could tie in with the ‘show all values on the SYN/TRIG/ENV/FILT pages’ which always ‘flicker’ the values when I press the keys, which distracts me when I am switching pages.

For me I hold [FUNC] and then tap [TRACK], then release [FUNC]. Is that the same way you are doing it?

Yes. I think the ‘tap’ on my unit must be very quick, quicker than I am accustomed to. Otherwise it switches to the keyboard mode screen. Or, something else is going on.

When holding down the track and page button at the same time, I think only the fills on the active track should be activated. By doing it this way, you can choose between 14 different fills (one for each channel, one for the fx bus, and one for all of them) on a single pattern. The possibilites of creating variations within a single pattern would instantly become huge.

I wrote the same suggestion in the Analog Rytm feature request thread: AR Analog Rytm feature request thread - #1484 by Speldosa


I can’t remember if I said this already but i think I did but I can’t find it unless I went past it lol… but…

I wish we could hold trk and then double tap any of the 1 through 12 triggers / tracks to open up sound browser.

Not sure if I posted this before, but the ability to increase the synth’s Overdrive range per channel, via the track’s setup pages.

I have almost all of my synth patches with overdrive set to 127, that’s for me “normal” :stuck_out_tongue: But I want “brutal”!


I wish it would go up to 128.


I wish it would go up to 128.


But seriously, more like 255 or 511.


I wouldn’t mind more for some flavor! and different kinds of overdrive or distortion


511 is crazy. I don’t know if human ears can handle that.

what is the bend function?

The ‘bend’ is a tiny curve to adjust how the note pitch behaves, in the analog synth part for instance. It can be set to a rising or falling pitch like a static pitch bender or tweaked — with parameter locks it can be used to make pseudo portamento /glides …

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