cant log in : ( … says ““banned””
been happening to others as well today TrabanT try use an IRC client (probably something wrong with kiwiirc), that should help fix the issue
I’m on it i informed guys there
thanks…, what s the emergency plan? skype group chat? I could set one up … pm for access : p
…still no luck?
dont forget, everybody still very welcome at
Dont miss out… we are roasting marshmellows above digital fire, telling tall tales about how much gear we got…
…was just about to refresh this one but @the_dreammer did it already so…yeah, come over for a chat in the new year…we’re there 24/7 (sure you’ll find someone at any time )
It’s the place to be
For those who wanna gossip about the new toy coming out…
join in for some oldskool fun…
I was on a few times but I mustnt really "get it ".
Sometimes I feel like I’m interupting the conversation and other times it seems like no one answers me.
Was standing room only earlier, which was good to see
It’s because you are, and we are.
Or… just jump the fuck in and chatter?
(I have social issues)
I’ll have another go
You’ll fit right in on IRC!
…still in there, come over pay a visit
We are still alive
…aaand what about some IRC for the new year?
v12.7b has been recently released with some great new features and bug fixes!
notice: do make sure to bring at least one Elektron machine
notice2: it’ll be fine even without…
notice3: tba
on a somewhat more serious note: it has been mentioned few times about having a place where users could interact a bit more than how it’s done on the forum…well… this is the link again to the web based client or else a basic IRC client can be used as well. no registration/credit cards required…