Why is this forum so nice?

Probably helps that this forum is more European. I tend to find them a bit more polite, or at least less direct, than Americans (I’m American).


agree as well. Favourite forum. Not only or elektron related, but all kinds of music related stuff.


Always thought the same myself. I don’t post enough here (or anywhere) to even stand out to the point of forming relationships, but I find the company really very pleasant. And ditto on the comments above re: the level of knowledge, musicianship, average age, etc. I love this place and I love Elektron gear.

Odd that when I go elsewhere in similar genres I often read negative posts regarding the vibe of Elektronauts. The usual complaints of it being full of fanboys and heavy handed moderators. I guess that’s the perspective folks that walk away from here without a good vibe from it carry. In my opinion, trouble and irritation arises on this - or any - forum when a given poster just can’t drop something. It’s a weird but common human characteristic to NEED to be right. I remember there was a forum member here who no longer seems to frequent who for multiple reasons thought the Digitakt was shit. And he kept on stating this over multiple threads in as many ways as possible despite being asked to drop it. I could never figure out for the life of me why this member who otherwise seemed intelligent and cool just couldn’t say “meh, not for me” and move on. And then just yesterday I noticed the same poster in another forum…still. trashing. Digitakt. :sleeping:

So yeah, don’t mean to sully an otherwise solely positive thread with any negativity but I guess my point is that people here for the most part know how to get out of each other’s ways when it’s time for that. That vs. agitating makes all the difference in the world of online forums.


There was this quote by Bukowski that your sentiment reminds me of: “I’m always the hero of my own stories”

Background: he claimed that the company he was with kept fowling everything up in the thing they were supposed to do, despite the fact that he’s a notorious drunk- when they confronted him about the truth of the matter, that’s where that quote came from :smiley:


Yes, they sound really good and do cool shit. This makes us happy and therefore friendlier… :grinning:


welcome onboard @Firehand :relaxed:
i’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here…can’t really add much to what has been said already… :grin: but if you fancy a journey in the past as well, you can still visit this side of the interwebz. lots of interesting information about Elektron’s machines and not only (not to forget…emmmm… tthis other side as well :grin: )
have fun!


#2 sp-forums?

People here are passion musicians and awesome. They love music and good quality gear. Elektron makes top shelf gear. While I don’t have any yet, the new Octatrack MK2 and Digitakt or Analog Rytm MK2 are my next purchases for gear in the future. In spite of the learning curve.


The Elektron gear allows one to ditch the laptop computer for a more hands on approach to performing live as well as recording in the studio. As a guy who plays piano, synthesizers and learning guitar, this is refreshing since I work all day on a computer and like the hands on instrument touch controls that Elektron gear offers. While the Ableton Push is similar, I still need to carry a laptop computer with me. My goal is to perform live with guitar, synthesizer, drum machine and sequencer/sampler so I can interact with the audience and not be staring into a computer screen at a show. I think this is why gears like Elektron are rapidly becoming so popular with EDM and other live artists and even DJs are starting to move toward similar gears.

The Digitakt is great value compared to other drum machines I think.

I’ll take a shot of their finest tequila and an analog heat…:cocktail::grinning:


This place is def not elektron-users but there is a lot to learn here. There’s a lot of fluff but honestly i treat this place more like a linrary with “sifting duty” implied more than anything.

Im not complaining at all - i do like this place

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@phesago What would you say this place lacks in comparison to elektron users? I think theres probably less new exciting information because the machines arent new any more so there isnt as much new to learn, elektrons newest thing is just a slimmed down octatrack. Hopefully the new lower entry bar price wise expands the user base and stirs up more discussion

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:point_up_2: this was the first thought that popped into my mind when I read the post. I’m also American and I’m not saying we are all inherently dicks or that everyone else isn’t…but in my experience people from other countries that I get to interact with seem to have enough sense to breathe, read the whole topic, consider multiple perspectives and come back with things that usually aren’t communicated in a belittling way.

It’s a tendancy of Americans to romanticize Europe


Haha yeah me too.

I learned about Elektron gear by accident. One of my local experienced EDM musician contacts uses it and when I was jamming with him a while back he brought an Octatrack and got me curious. Sadly, he was unable to get any music to play out of it for some odd reason. But that was due to operator error not the device.

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yup just like Teenage Engineering and Access Virus are European brands that Americans envy.

I’ve only been to Europe as part of my “military tours” so I may romanticize it from limited perspective, however people were quite a bit friendlier to us over seas than they were at home (this was also back in 2000, im sure the climate is much different now).

I did also notice a way more relaxed atmosphere in Bolivia (as a civilian).

I’m just saying in my experience, as limited as it may be, European people have been more polite (even during debates).

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“That thing seems tricky as hell…I want it”



#2 = Organelle forum.


This forum is so nice because the vast majority of people here are thrilled to own some of the best hardware on the planet :wink: