Division Department 01/IV

I actually already saw this lol. Division Department shared it on their Instagram story earlier today
Really intrigued by the idea of pairing this with my DT and utilizing the LFOs.

I thought the Cycles might cure my GAS for this, but idk this still looks so cool and very unique.

I would love to see more videos if you get a chance to mess around with it some more!

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Ah yeah I just saw that they shared it, cool

LFOs and midi make it do interesting things. Still working out how the different mod sources affect the sounds tho.

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For partnering with the Digitone, t’s a pity that this only has “partial Midi CC controls”.

I’m attracted to the idea of having the full control from Digitone, so that knob positions etc. aren’t needed.
(This is what attracts me to the MFB 301 Pro)

New video. That is some insanely fast single finger drumming at 1:10.


you have some control over midi but not full control. i.e. still need to program knob positions manually.

ohh really loving that sound that is triggering 2 of the voices on it (about 3 minutes in)… how cool would it be if electron did a colab with these guys. It would be basically the perfect little knob perfunction analog drum and groove if it had an elektron sequencer built in. I suppose it will pair super well with any elektron box at this point though.


Was using my digitakt to sequence my 01/IV and will say that they work really well together. :slight_smile:


This is my biggest complaint. I wish there was midi CC for more of the knob parameters instead of deeper things like LFO shape, repeat interval, which are more things you just set once and forget it. I want to put DN midi LFOs and p-locks to use on more of the sonic parameters.

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normally I disagree with this point of view because I think fully analog controls are just fine. and really it’s fine here too. it’s still a great sounding and awesome little box. but I do think that midi control over everything would have set them apart from similar all analog drum boxes that lack sequencers; namely, Syncussion and Vermona DRM1.

the good news is the Model:Cycles is an excellent alternative that has full control over nearly every parameter on every sequencer step :+1:

digiwut posted that a couple days ago, but yes I agree. I think that’s Baseck? what a legend

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Obsessing over this, for some reason.

I ordered one yesterday. Hope that it comes in a resonably short time. Might not have a job soon and will be making music all the time with this. Cant wait to see what the Digitone can do to this thing

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Please do share some example sounds or videos with Digitone :slight_smile:

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After watching the Perfect Circuit demo on YouTube, and a few other vids, showing the 0I/IV used with the Digitone and Digitakt, this has become high up on my list of future purchases. I think it would be an awesome addition to my DN, DT, and AHMKII. I’m basically down to this, Roland Tr-08 boutique (I can’t help how much I love that little replica) and a Kilpatrick Carbon to sequence any of my synths/drum machines/grooveboxes ( made the mistake of grabbing a BSP, and I’m having all kinds of buggy issues with the KeyStep , just gonna use my DT and MPC One to sequence my setups) I absolutely love this machine, from the drum sounds in the demos, to the overall look of it. I can definitely see a lot of the synth patches I use in the DN going really well with the drum sounds that this puts out.

What do you think, this vs michigan synthworks syncussion euro clone?

I’ve been trying to pick between this and an MFB 301 Pro as a dedicated drum buddy for my Digitone. It’s pretty tricky to compare them.

for something rather different.

I’ve had an MFB 301 Pro. Don’t get one. You’ll tire of it. I promise.

It’s cool and all. But you’ll wear it out pretty quickly.

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Can say I’ve only played with mine a little bit and it as a certain Kazakhstan patriot would say, "Very nice. "

FMing voices together to make weird morphing bass drums is very “my wife.”


Any other experiences?