Digitone feature requests!

Today I wish that Filter Keytrack could be set to negative values: I want the filter to open more for lower keys that high keys.

If there’s a way to do that thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:


I have been wishing for pitch as a modulation source.

Another option is you can alter the levels of the operators based on pitch. you might be able to get some filter like things by having the operator with feedback reduce in level as you go up in pitch. The operator that has feedback makes a bit of a buzzy bright noise if the feedback is up a little, and as it reduces in level it can sound a lot like a filter closing. Might take some tweaking.

It would be kind of nice to have a device that can intercept a midi signal and map different modulation sources to different destinations, like pitch to mod wheel or something.

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Arp swing (not sure why this isn’t implemented).
Probability going by increments of 1%.
Trig preview (like the new OS for the analog line).


Digitone has trig preview it got it before the analog line,
Also probability does go in 1% increments now

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New os has func+yes for trig preview.

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Thanks. Did not know this. Any love on the arp swing? :smirk:


I wish.

Better midi implementation for muting/unmuting DN tracks via OT that doesn’t require eating up 2 octatrack midi tracks (per DN track) to accomplish (See here: Control Digitone Track Mutes via Octatrack?)

On the OT side of things, I use the arranger for getting the most out of a single pattern via programming mutes. It would be sick if it was as simple as muting/unmuting a single OT MIDI track to have the Digitone respond :pray:


Arp Midi Tracks.


And how will you send this?
123 is not actually a CC message, there is no value in the message because the value byte is always 0.
And the Digitone is programmed to only send changing values, no value, nothing changes, nothing gets sent.

It’s also a message that has no benefit to access directly.

It was an example.
So it’s in CCs list, but it’s not? :content:
You’re right, CC123 send didn’t seem to work with OT. CC120 works (all sounds off).

It’s also a message that has no benefit to access directly

? I can see benefits : random program changes without clicks.

I’d also like to be able to map these 120-127 CCs if I want. So it can be useful at least for me, I think it’s a useless restriction.

Yes, kind off. It’s a channel-wide message comparable to Channel Pressure(AfterTouch).
Everything above CC 119 is. Some of them have a value, like Local Control and Mono Mode, but most don’t.
From the midi.org documents:
Controller numbers 120-127 are reserved for Channel Mode Messages, which rather than controlling sound parameters, affect the channel’s operating mode.

Ok, that’s actually not a bad idea, although it might still produce clicks on some synths.
But your feature request should be for Channel Mode messages, cause they would need to be handled differently from the normal CC’s.

And there are ways to do what you want without those messages. Can’t you control the amp or volume setting of the synth you want to program change without clicks? That should have the same effect.

Alternatively, if you really want the All Notes Off in there, use Bome’s Midi Translator or a BomeBox. It’s peanuts to do with that.


Glad to hear someone knowing MIDI really well!

That’s what I did, not ideal, I think I’d rather set sustain to 0 and release to lowest values.

I have Midipal, RK002, Event Processor Plus and MEP4 so I can! :wink: I’d would have liked to avoid it.

Another simple solution : set notes/chords length so that they stop just before program change send, but it limits long lenght notes combinations.

Wow, that’s a MIDI arsenal right there! :hushed:
I like the Midipal, never heard of it, seems very handy.

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Being able to P-lock the FX sends for input channels would be cool!


It would also be cool to have the option for separate send levels for Input L and Input R. Maybe thoughtfully splitting out the controls onto two pages could create the space for this. Overdrive is the only true master control on that page.


I wish that when I go to the sound setup page (Func + Trig), it would remember where I was the last time I went. At least have the page I was on scrolled in view and selected.

This is because say, when I edit Velocity modulation and set it to LFO depth, I need to adjust the depth of modulation in relation to the depth setting of the LFO, so I go back and forth between the LFO setting and the Sound settings. Each time I go to the Sund settings I need to scroll down and enter the Velocity modulation subpage. I wish it would be faster.


+1 for that. It would be much faster editing MW, AT assignments etc. if it went back to that exact page. Really hope to see that too.


Agree here. I go to this page a lot; wish it was quicker to get to.


I still wish it had kits almost everytime I use it :sleepy: