Digitone feature requests!

i d like to have altered pool sounds names inverted

can you please guide me how to do the master tune? i dont get it. in the manual is only this: “Sets the master tune for the Digitone. The default setting is the international standard middle A, 440.0 Hz.” ^^

Go into the settings all the way down. Here you will find “master tune”. you can now adjust the global frequency up or down. The standard is 440Hz.


thank you :slight_smile:

I would like to have all lfo settings on a single page not half and half like it is,
Really find it confusing when using it with other elektron gear.
Not sure the reason for having it like that.
Would like the multi and speed on same page!


This is already a thread WRT the digitakt… Step Preview?

But with the polyphonic nature of the DIGITONE I think it makes even more sense. Not being able to quickly preview programmed chords is annoying and seems like an easy fix.

As others have said… Step+YES should play that step.


Another request for MPE MIDI / Polyphonic Aftertouch support… via USB or MIDI DIN please, Even IF the sequencer doesn’t record it. We seem to have it working to a certain degree for the A4 - (I tested with A4 MK2) since this latest OS upgrade, so it only seems natural at this point for the Digitone to have that working as well… especially since the Digitone Keys exists.

Im trying this with Bitwig 3.0 and a K-Board Pro 4, and I have had pretty good success with the A4, but it gets a bit bogged down I can see… a lot of information there.

The Digitone only partially works in this way, but it seems to work better than the A4 did prior to OS 1.40. The issue with it seems to be related to the fact that there is a greater number of available voices than tracks, whereas that is not the case with the A4. That’s just what it sounds like to my ears anyway.

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I’d love to have Midi Overdub in live record mode.


Even having the arp rate plockable would be amazing. One step at 1/1, the next on 1/96 and so on. Combining that with locking the arp on and off would be sexual


Should they add a larger screen as an upgrade or how would this happen?

what are you talking about? Do you even own a digitone?
Have another look at it if you do.

They should have all lfo 1 settings on one page
and all lfo 2 settings on the other like on the A4
Instead of having half and half like it is.
If you are working on lfo 1 you have to change page to get to the rest of the settings.
And I only work on one lfo at a time as I assume most would


I also didn’t get how it could be done, clearly some sorta mental block because but now this makes perfect sense and it should definitely be implemented this way

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When you want to change the speed of the lfo
the actual speed is on one page the multiples are on the other page?
so I’m flipping pages just to set the speed properly.
Lfo 1 on page 1, and lfo 2 on page 2 would make a lot more sense

No I get it now, but when I read your original post for some reason I couldn’t figure out how it’d work. like i said some stupid mental block because it’s so obvious. and it’d work way better, i too get frustrated having to flip pages for that stuff.

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I still love the digitone reckon it’s an awesome little fm synth.
Certainly not a dealbreaker can live with it,
Just would prefer it like the A4 way one on each page,
and this is a feature request thread and all

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Yes I do, just asked how you’d suggest to implement and that makes sense when explained that way. Your initial post wasn’t clear what you meant.

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Overdubbing notes over existing trigs, instead of replacing them.


Nice. I’m sure that would break the minds of the developers to implement it. But it would be awesome to build up chords one mono sequencer run at a time. Fantastic if it could be done


Yeah, I’m not sure exactly how it could be done, but it stands to reason that if we’re able to record multiple notes on the same trig at once, it should be possible to add them one at a time as well.

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Different mocrotiming positions and note lengths is the main problem, I guess. When programming a chord, all the notes have to share the same velocity, start point and end point :pensive: