Digitone 1.10: bug discussion [n.b. later OS bugs topics exist]

Thank you for the reply’s. I have created a support ticket to Elektron about these issues. Will keep you updated.

I hope there will be a solution for this, because the sequencer isn’t worth much of it cliks when the same note is played twice in a row.

I have problem with freezing and DSP boot failure.
But also recently, since freezing, some steps of the sequencer with the closed parameters change their sound and starts sounds wrong (not as they were saved with Function+yes) and when I press (FUNC+ no) the pattern does not return to the saved one. This also happens several times per hour. Only the reboot of the project itself helps.
I have created a support ticket to Elektron.

Someone has the same problem???

If I do Function + Save Project, then Function + Save Pattern. The GUI glitches out and overlays a list of the sound pool like I am trying to select a new sound for a trig. Makes it not possible to Function + Save Pattern till after a restart.

This is intermittent, does not happen every time. Seems to happen after I have had it powered on for over an hour or two. The DN seems to get pretty hot too. Not sure if that is normal or not.

A post was split to a new topic: Digitone audio clock error

A post was merged into an existing topic: Digitone feature requests!

I think I’ve found a bug (with a gig tomorrow… ) There’s is an arpeggio bleeding in the next pattern and there’s is no way to stop It… I tried to insert a note of at the end of the pattern with the arpeggio, but still bleeding into the next that plays its track with his sound together with the previous arpeggio… Only stopping the pattern I can avoid the overlapping sounds… Weird

Mentioned before, but also noticed this myself this week: delay send on external is not working, not sure reverb is send in full. Chorus send seems to work fine on ext in.

Have you tried playing the same root note again? I think that stops it, though I may be wrong.

Yes tried to play manually a note but still no way to stop the arpeggio from the previous pattern…

is the arpeggio started by a note with infinite lenght?
i reported the problem as a bug, but they told me it works as intended :smiley: they should implement a stopping funktion, track + stop or smth.

I’m aware of that setting ( infinite lenght ) but not my case…

jeah i think i had the same problem sometimes too, when i changed pattern the arp got stuck

I see… Its a pain in the ass and have a gig this evening…

file a bug report thats all you can do :confused:

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Found that track 3 causes my issue. If I have an arp going on that track, Its more likely It bleeds in the next cued track pattern…

Of course that’s what I’ve done now I’m sure that’s a bug… could you e.nauts try to replicate it? thanx
A proper note off would be handly…

When I’m changing pattern the arp stops, only with a inf note it’s playing on the next pattern.

Can you mute the track on the next pattern and deactivate the arp manually when setting the arp mode to “no”?

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Is that arp in track3 ?

Also checked with track 3, it works here

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Tried to mute the next track with no arp but the arp is still there… Way more weird